Chapter Seven

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Amelia's P.O.V

I pulled up to school in my car looking through my window and seeing Kent talking to Daniel. God why did he have to be so damn hot ugh and the best part is he's mine ALL mine not my crush MY DAMN  BOYFRIEND! This year is going to be very good. I smiled to myself while parking the car thinking about Kent the whole time. I quickly got out of the car and ran to Kent locking the car in the process. 

"Kent" I yelled out as a ran towards him. He turned around and smiled as he found me running towards him. He started running towards me and we both met in the middle. We starred at each other for a minute, looking at all his features. I dived in and gave him a kiss, I swear it felt like it was just Kent and I on cloud 9. I wish this moment could have lasted longer but we were rudely interrupted by someone shoving Kent. I looked to see who it was and it was Derek. Derek and  Kent were just laughing and it felt like I was no longer there. I sighed loudly and started walking towards the school when someone grabbed my shoulder turning me around.

"Where are you going" Kent asked.

"Inside the school, I'm just going to go to my class the bell should ring pretty soon and I should probably meet up with Miranda" I told him as I looked around seeming as I was looking for someone.

"Who are you looking for?" Kent looked around.

"Miranda" I said.

"Oh I saw her go inside the school" Kent told me.

"Thank you, I will see you at lunch" I kissed Kent's cheek and went inside the school.

Derek's P.O.V

Seeing Amelia and Kent kiss made my heart hurt a little and I don't even why. I am not jealous of Kent, I would never be. Why would I want to date Amelia, she's not that great. 

"Hey man I'm going to go inside I need some stuff from my locker." I told Kent and started heading toward the school not even caring what Kent had replied.

I walked in and went toward my locker, as I was 2 feet away I saw Daniel leaning against my locker on his phone. 

​"Hey Daniel tonight is Amber's 17th birthday party" I told Daniel.

"Well my night is officially booked now, I wonder how this party is going to turn out remember Amber's last party it was her 16th birthday" Daniel starting laughing.

Oh yes I remember that night,  

Amber fell into the water with the cake. One of the waiters was bringing this HUGE cake in this cart and Amber was behind it and the waiter moved the cart back hitting Amber. She was about to fall in the pool but she grabbed on the cart but slipped and fell. The cake tilted when Amber fell causing the cake to fall with Amber. Everyone was talking about that night for the rest of the year. 

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