My Dearest Miyuki

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After asking everyone during dinner to keep their traps shut about the future Eijun, I head off to the office and try to catch some Zzz's. The spot where Raichi struck me throbs with my heart beat, but it's not serious. Kataoka's doctor friend came by around lunch to diagnose that I had a slight concussion and that I should remain as still as possible, along with some bruised organs here and there.

I begin to doze off then, the day catching up to me along with the whole craziness of time travel and the strange calmness and acceptance from everyone.


It was a week away from our fourth year anniversary. I had resreved two seats at this super expensive restaurant to celebrate. I had just come home from buying a new suit to look good for Kazuya when I heard a low groan from our bedroom.

We lived in downtown Tokyo in this cute little appartment perfect for two. Another groan and I'm thinking Kazuya is sick or something when I open the's anything but.

Kazuya is making love with Mei!

I crack open the door to find these two doing...that, but neither have noticed me. I can't watch. I leave immediately after that. In the next couple of hours, Kazuya calls me asking if I'm okay and when I'll be home.

'He doesn't know that I know.'

"Ei-chan, tell me where you are! I'm worried sick!"

"How could you, Kaz!"

"What...what do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean, you traitor!"

Kazuya doesn't reply to that.

"I loved you!"

No response.

"Why was it not enough!"


"Why was my love not enough! WHY?!"

Kazuya doesn't say anything. Why doesn't he say anything.

"Am I...not good enough? Am I...undeserving of your affection?"

Still no response.

" I just a piece of crap in your eyes, Kaz?"

Finally, "no..."


Kazuya hangs up.


I startle awake when a hand is pressed against my mouth. I look up. It's Miyuki.

I glare at him and he lets me go. "Can I help you?"

Miyuki is silent.

I get annoyed and try to go back to sleep when he stops me. I look expectantly at him, urging him to hurry up. "You...," he starts slowly, "you mentioned us being closer after high school. What did you mean by that?"

Heaving a sigh, I explain to get him off my back. "After high school, you joined this unpopular team, made it famous, became my rival, the end."

"Wait, what?"

"Have you always been this slow, or is this just a special occasion?"

Miyuki narrows his eyes, not used to being teased himself. "It's a lot to take in..."

"Hmm..." I nod, agreeing with that, at least.

"So, we're on rival teams? That's why you were so...chummy with me?" I nod again.

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