In Our Time Of Dying

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                                                               (Song title by Breaking Benjamin)

I wake up before the sun. I dress immediately, skip breakfast, and begin running around the practice field. I had done this so many times back in my high school days, it's weird doing it now. Half an hour later, I--me--the past Eijun comes out to run as well.

We end up synchronizing and we start to full-out sprint that by the time other s have even woken up, we're barely standing on our feet, though I'm in a bit better condition than Past-Eijun.

(A/N: That will be how I call the past Eijun is "Past-Eijun". Hope this isn't too confusing.)

Past-Eijun keeps glancing at me every couple of seconds, I can't help but ask what's on his mind.

"Well, is it true that I'll date Miyuki-senpai?"

The question catches me off-guard as I had assumed that someone would have the decency to refrain from scarring my--his--mind for life. I feel like I've fucked everything up...

"You don't have to?" I say questioningly. It's kinda hard to respond to your past self asking about a life-choice you made, of which causes immense pain every day.

"Oh!" Past-Eijun says, freaking glitter floating around his head.

Past-Eijun then runs off somewhere, so I begin to stretch myself to work out all the kinks in my body. It's time for the showdown between Ichidaisan and Seidou; if Seidou loses, they'll face Inashirou for second.

After the first day of matches, the next day is reserved for simple workouts and stretch exerscises, so that none of the players are overworked or injured. It's the third day now, and the much-anticipated game begins. We even draw in Seidou alumni and a couple reporters as an audience. The air is pumped up and thrumming with excitement.

Ichidaisan begins thier warmups on the second field with Seidou, and Inashirou and Yakushi start their match on the first field.

People gather toward the second, though people wanting to see the moster slugger Raichi or King of Pitchers Mei still mingle closer to the first field.

Since there's a crown today, someone else was asked to keep score, so I'm back in the indoor field pitching into a net to release some of my anticipation of playing.

I pitch my signature reverse-cutter ball before closing for a tight attack on left-handed batters, or a distant attack for right-handed batters. It's usually risky to do something like that if you're a southpaw, but Risky is my middle name!

I let out a "Mwahahaha!" kind of laugh thinking that when I'm startled by someone calling me from the slide door. It's Rei-san.

I bow to her before pitching a moving fastball, one that I've been able to do since high school.

"Your speed has greatly increased as well as your accuracy, I see." I dip my head in aknowledgement before continuing with a half-assed change-up. Rei-san seems to notice this isn't the best I can do, but doesn't push on the matter, which I'm thankful for.

"Will you not watch your teammates?" she asks.

"You know that if I show up there, that it'll only cause a scene none of us want to deal with. After all, time travel is just crazy, isn't it?" I bore into her eyes, making my point known and she nods sharply. "Of course. I just thought of asking out of courtesy..."

Rei wants to ask about that.

"Do you need something of me, Rei-san?"

She stares at me before shaking her head, then pausing before finally nodding.

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