You Are My Sunshine

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A beep draws my attention. Then another. Once again.

Slowly, the beeps begin to increase in frequency.

Every minute, I gain more feeling in my exremities. My hand is warm.

Eventually, the pressure grows into the shape of a strong hand, warmth radiates from it.

Something squeezes my hand.

"Eijun...eijun..." A voice, so gentle, yet almost...weak.

The voice becomes louder and louder before I can hear with clarity.

I crack open my eyes and it's the person I hated, yet missed, the most.

That little piece of knowledge is all I need right now; to know that they're by my side.


What feels like a few minutes passing by, I open my eyes once more. My right hand is unnaturally sweaty and hot, so I glance down to find Kazuya by my side grasping my hand like a lifeline.

I start to tug myself out of his grip when memories resurface. He holds tight, though. "I'm never letting you go ever again," he says, voice muffled by the sheets.

I thought he was asleep leaning his head on the bed and everything; I guess not. "You're kinda late in saying anything about it, Kaz. Just go back to--wait...what's the date?"

Kazuya litfs his head up at my question. "It's May 23, 20XX...our anniversary. You've been in a coma for a week."


"What exactly happened to me?"

"It was after your match against the Saitama Lions when you saved that little girl from being killed. You're all over the news right now being praised by the public as a "hero"."

"I feel stupid for asking this, but...what exactly happened between us, Kaz?"

Kazuya lifts an eyebrow in confusion.

"You ended up cheating on me with Mei a week before our anniversary three years ago. Why are still here?"

He looks forlorn hearing that. "Ei-chan, what are you-oh! No, never with Mei. I told you I had a slight crush on him, borne more out of respect and admiration, before we even met. That was long ago, though. I would never cheat on you, Ei!"

"Huh? You on drugs or something? I. Clearly. Remember. You cheated on me with Mei in our own bed. I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to!"

"Oh...that's it." It seems Kazuya now remembers, so I guess he'll leave me in peace. Nope. He hits the big red button on the wall and calls for the doctor.

He sits back down and waits, not saying a word.

Minutes pass by in awkwardness before the doctor strides in with a clipboard, looking like the shit right now. I don't care right now. I'm severely confused! Are you confused?!

"Ah! Doctor Fujiwara, Eijun just woke up, but sincerely believes that I've cheated on him with one of our friends. Can you explain t o this block-head what kinda meds he's doped up on right now?"

'Block-head? Meds?'

Dr. Fujiwara steps up to look at me fuller and takes my heart rate despite there being a machine doing that for him sitting right next to him. "Can you tell me the last thing you remember?"

"Hmm, let me think: I traveled back in time to my second year in high school after saving that girl. Almost a week passes with me trying to figure out how to get back, and when we were having a practice match against Ichidaisan, a manager almost got ran over by a speeding reporter who almost kidnapped me before finally giving up and driving off. Then I ended up choking on my own blood, believing I was about to die, and I wake up here..."

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