April 1st

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Soo sorry for the delay! Finals were a pain!
Now on with the story!



No one Pov
Arata fidgeted trying to wiggle her way out of Levi's grasp.

Levi stared at her waiting for her to quit squirming, but Arata not wanting to answer Levi's unspoken questions kept squirming. Levi gave up on waiting for her to stop just got himself into a more comfortable position.

"Tsk, tsk, Arata, it's way too easy to hold you down. It's almost as if you are weaker than normal."
He said as she wouldn't meet his gaze.

Levi Pov
She looked so uneasy. I held her down with one hand and she struggled even more. Okay now I know I'm right..

I had been stalk- I mean following Arata closely ever since that little birthday topic popped up. I'd learned a few things like ARATA HAS DEFINITELY GROWN AS A MAGE!

All of the Trinity Seven had thought Arata was being lax with her studies, but boy were we wrong!

She's mastered over half of our themas and she's almost done with my thema, Invidia. She also seems to have a knack for alchemy.

We, the Trinity Seven need to keep a closer eye on her and her progress.

I lightly stroked Arata's jawline and forced her to look me in the eyes. She still struggled. I saw her swear under her breath. I leaned down so I was level with her ear.

"Arata." I said huskily, "Talk." I blew on her ear and lightly nibbled it. She blushed as I bit it.

"Okay so..." She began

Arata explained her birthday and her little plan. I scolded her because something like that is dangerous if you couldn't control it.

She said she could easily stop such a simple thing and she made me swear not to tell anyone.

I got off her and carried her to her bed because she looked like she was about to fall asleep.

"Happy Birthday Ari." I whispered quietly.

It had to be at least 1 am so I went back to my room and collapsed on my bed.

Le Time Skipe(Morning)

Arata Pov
I opened my eyes and yawned,

That was a good sleep.. Wait!
I looked at the clock, it was 8:45?

I had forgot to set my alarm clock last night. I looked over to see my two grimoires sleeping softly. Sorin had his arm around Ilea protectively.

"We overslept. Time to get up." I said popping the p while gently shaking Sorin. He cracked one eye open,"We'll catch up later go get ready." He said drowsily before going back to sleep.

I sighed as I looked at the clock, 8:50 am. I had to get going.

Liligan Pov
It was 9:10 I was just about to take attendance when Arata stumbled in looking unorganized and messy.

I scolded her on being late. She shrugged and went to her seat.

Some girls and boys in the back started snickering. I ignored it and took started my lesson.


An explosion was heard.

The Trinity Seven and I rushed over.

A feminine groan caught my ear.


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