Chapter 1

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"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" 


"L-Lisanna?" (Y/N) mumbled weakly as her eyes fluttered open. As she regained her vision, the girl was met with a pair of familiar blue irises. However, to her disappointment, they didn't belong to her best friend. Instead, the cobalt eyes were owned by Lisanna's sister: Mirajane Strauss. 

Although she was disappointed, (Y/N) was still glad Mira was there. They have a close bond, like a sisterly relationship.

"I'm so relieved that you're conscious again!" Mira sighed in relief.

"I'm fine," (Y/N) answered tiredly. She raised a frail hand to touch the bandage wrapped around her pounding forehead. I'm in the Magnolia Hospital, (Y/N) thought as she took in the white hospital beds around her. "But, what happened?"

Of course, I know what happened. Someone made me faint again, didn't they?

Mirajane's sweet expression suddenly tightened with bitterness. "A certain pink pyro hit you with a fireball. I swear HE WON'T LIVE UNTIL TOMORROW IF HE DOES THAT AGAIN!" Mira raged, her pretty face twisting into a threatening scowl.

 I swear HE WON'T LIVE UNTIL TOMORROW IF HE DOES THAT AGAIN!" Mira raged, her pretty face twisting into a threatening scowl

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I knew it.

"Thanks for the support, Mira," (Y/N) said softly with a grateful smile. Well, at least, she tried. It probably looked more like an ugly grimace than a kind smile. Nevertheless, she still tried.

"I really can't believe they would do this to you!" Mirajane exclaimed, crossing her slender arms together in frustration.

"I can't believe it either."


(Y/N) gently shook my head as strands of my rough (H/C) hair fell forward, shadowing the sides of my aching, bruised face. "Mira, there's something I've been meaning to tell you. I want to leave the guild."

There was a moment of silence.

"W-What?" Mira gasped, taking a step back. "What do you mean?"

(Y/N) didn't answer. After a few weak attempts, she managed to stumble out of bed. The battered girl started for the exit but ended up tripping pitifully. She sighed sadly. "I don't want to leave you and Elfman behind, but I can't live like this anymore," the girl said softly. Without waiting for a response, (Y/N) struggled to her feet and proceeded towards the exit.


Returning to the guildhall was difficult for the injured girl. Not only did (Y/N) have a throbbing headache, her ankle was twisted as well, which caused her to fall to the stone ground numerous times. The passersby ignored her, and no one stopped to help her. When (Y/N) reached the guild, beads of sweat were dripping down the curves of her pale face.

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