Teen love, best friends, and jealous boyfriends. -1-

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This is a story I've been working on for a while. I started writing about two years ago, and i have a real passion for it. Comment and let me know if you think it's good or not. Hope you enjoy!

I stared into my laptop for a good thirty seconds before remembering why I had gotten onto it in the first place. English essay, right. I started up Microsoft Word and began to type my feelings on what I thought freedom meant. I really wasn't into it; I'm not usually into any essays. After the two-hundred words were typed, I got onto AIM, hoping he was on.

He was. I started a conversation. "Hey! Didn't see you at school today, where were you?"

I waited. About five minutes later, he decided to message me back.

"I didn't really want to go to school today-Kenzie and I just broke up."

"Ohh I'm sorry! I thought you guys were cute together."

"Yeah, well, that bitch decided to cheat on me. Again."

Okay, so let me back up. I was talking to Shay, who had been my best guy friend since freshman year. He was tall, muscular, and so, so hott! He had been dating a girl named Kenzie who I personally hated with a passion. I had warned him she would do this, but no, once his mind was made up it stayed made up. If only he could see how much I cared for him, but to him I'm just one of the guys.

"Well, I have more homework to do, but would you mind picking me up before school, Shay?"

"Cool, I'll be there at 7:45, but I'm not going to wait for you if you're not outside!"

"Awesome, byes!"

He signed off of AIM a few minutes later, and my best friend, Lexie, called me.

"Hey, MarKai, what's up? Talk to Shaaaay lately?"

"Hey, Lex, I just got off of IM with him, why?"

"I've been hearing things Kai, lots of things..."

"Like what?"

"Kenzie and him are over for good this time. She just started dating Max Goldfield."

"Eww! That dude's gross. I heard he only showers like once a week, even during football season."

"I know, right? Gross, anyways, so that leaves Shay wide open for you to come in."

"Uh, Lex? You know he doesn't like me! We've been friends for three years! If he liked me he would've shown it by now!"

"Maybe not...oh sorry Kai, I gotta go. Mom's making me clean my room. Like, seriously, let me leave it how I want!"

"Well, text me when you get done, alright? I'm soooo bored!"

"Okay, bye!"

I hung up my cell and looked back down at my laptop. I decided against homework and rolled over in my huge bed. It was a canopy, orange and pink. My entire room had orange walls, wood floors, white doors, and pink curtains. It was a typical teenage girl's bedroom, except for the bookshelf of manga beside my door. I am crazy about manga; it's the one type of book I can sit down and read for hours at a time.

I got up and padded down the hall towards the stairs. "God, I need out of this house," I said to myself. I walked quietly down the stairs to the landing, squatted, and tried to see into the kitchen one way. It was empty. I stuck my head around the other side to see into the living room. I see my mother, and groan. She must have a date tonight, because her hair is perfect and her clothes actually match."

"I'm going out, Mom!" I yell at her.

"Alright dear."

I run back up to my room and check my hair. It looked decent, so I just re-did my make up and changed into my favorite pair of jeans-fitted but still comfortable. I grabbed my purse, wallet, and car keys and headed out the door. I really didn't know where I was headed, I just needed to get out of the house.

I reached my car and started it up. Right before I pulled out of the driveway I lit up a cigarette and called Lex. She agreed to meet me at the park halfway between my house and hers. When I got to the park Lexie was already there, leaning coolly against the side of her car. I got out and we headed off to the "spot."

At the spot there is always a party. When we got there about 20 teens were just hanging around. We spotted out group and headed over.

"Hey guys! What're y'all doing?" I asked.

"You guys wanna pitch in on a bowl," Jenna asked.

"Sure, here," Lexie handed her part of a dime that she'd had in her pocket. Jenna accepted it and began to pack the bowl with about 4 people's weed.

"Hey, who's that?" Lexie whispered to me. I looked where she was pointing.

"I have no idea; he's not usually here, is he?" I said back. He saw us looking and started over. It didn't appear that he knew too many people.

"Hey, uh, my name's Josh. And you two are...?"

Lexie elbowed me and pushed me forward a little bit.

"I'm MarKai," I said.

"So, you're MarKai? I've heard about you from Shay, and you are a thousand times prettier than he made you out to be."

"Aw, thanks! You're not too bad yourself. Where you from?"

He broke into a grin, causing my shy smile to appear.

"I just moved here from Springfield," he said, "Do you want to go someplace to talk?"

I looked back at Lexie, and she gestured me on.

"Alright," I said, and we started towards my car.

***More will be added later, this is just Chapter 1! Comment if you liked it!***

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