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"Why am I here,why did I come" I keep asking myself as I am surrounded by people I don't even know dancing around me having a good time.I came with Juliet but she left me to go dance and chill with John. I was asked to join them but I declined,I should have known I would be left alone,I should have know I would be a 3rd wheel, why did I agree to come.

I had enough and decided it was time for me to go home as I opened the door to leave I kept looking at Juliet and John flirting and by accident bumped and fell into this other girl coming in.I quickly got up and handed her my hand and helped her up."I am so sorry,I did not see where I was going" I said as I helped her up. She said "No problem,this is how I meet people at all parties" I could tell she was joking,"the name is Trish"she continued to say and I introduced myself as well.

"Since I don't really know anybody around here why don't we chill and dance a little" she said,I surprised figured why not as I was even planning on going home cause I was borded.I don't think I ever danced so much in my life and I don't even remember when was the last time I had so much fun.but as all things must come to an end,my fun ended to soon as my attitude changed when I saw Juliet and John flirting again and I could not stop looking,it really annoyed me.Trish notice and said "why don't we get out of here and go some place more fun" and I immediately accepted without a doubt in my mind.

I took her to the sea shore,and we just sat there talking,laughing and looking at the reflection of the moon on the waves of the sea and what a sight it was.we talk as if we were friends from way back and we were just catching up but the truth is we just met but I feel like we really have a strong connection,I can't really tell now if it might be chemistry but I hope not.And then she fired a question that hit me hard"what's up with you and the other girl you kept looking at,at the party?"I could not tell her the truth,that I am in love with her and that she's dating my best friend because I still don't believe it myself,I am still refusing the fact that I might be in love.so I just told her that we are just friends and that we came to the party together and planned to chill together but plans changed,she went to her boyfriend and I was left alone and annoyed.

With that discussion out of the way we continued talking and with what she was telling me about herselve I could conclude that she was a bad to say,caring,very cool and very fun person and I really like talking to her.my phone began to vibrate,it was a call,the caller ID read "mom".it was my mom so I answer"hellow,.....yes mom I am still here,....I know its late but,.....okay I will head home now"."it was my mom worried about me as usual and I have to split"telling Trish as I ended the call.

"What just happened?" I am in my room thinking and confused of what just happened at the sea shore.as I was about to say goodbye to Trish I looked into her eyes and got mesmerised and then it happened,she kissed me and walked away,I still confused and surprised by what just happened stood there watching her leave without saying a thing and before I realised what had happened she was long gone.I wish I could have stopped her from walking away just like that,I wish I could have asked her why or asked her for her number and now I am here without a clue on how to reach her as I only knew her name(TRISH).

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