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"No you said we would go together?" I am shouting at my boyfriend who just cancelled our plans of going to the party tonight."babe there's something I really need to tell you"my boyfriend Tom says with a worried yet scared face.there's nothing good coming out of this I just know it,the last guy that told me those words broke up with me and that was two years ago.

I say nothing and he continues to speak" I know this months have been great but I can continue to lie to you,you deserve better.I have been cheating on you with your best friend Jane"the news hits me hard I mean really hard,for a minute I wished he was joking and I was waiting for that sparkling smile of his to conform but his face just stayed the same worried and scared and that's when my mind realised"HIS CHEATING ON YOU,with you best friend even.

Its been ten months since we started dating and he had the nerve to cheat and than tell me!,I wanted to stay cool,calm and collect my thoughts peacefully but as my mind pictures him and her together,I went crazy and  punch him and he deserved it. but that did not distinguish the burning flame of anger I was feeling than I said something which my love for him never thought it would say"ITS OVER" and I throw his for ever mine ring to the floor and it broke into pieces as it hit the floor just like my heart did and I left.somewhat that did extinguish my flame.

"Ten months for nothing,all that love gone,I hate him,I hate him"I am thinking to myself as I head home." "Wait don't you want to forget about him,don't you want to have fun instead of crying the whole night"a voice inside my head said,it was my conscience and it/I was right I should not let that cheating,no good Ex boyfriend ruin my night,I planned to go to this party and I am going.it would be very weird because I know no one there as its his friends party but I don't care,I will have a good time and I don't care what people say.

"There's the door,the door of a new beginning,if I walk through that door I will no longer be his"I am thinking as I walk towards the door and push it.it all happened so fast and before I knew it I was on the floor with a complete stranger on me.if I was still Toms girl I would have gotten up quickly and cause a scene so that noboby could think I was cheating on Tom but wait I ain't so I keep my cool and accept this hand up as he apologises,I am thinking of something way cool to say and I came up with"No problem,this is how I meet people at all parties" and quickly regret saying it thinking that was really lame but he smilled at me and I asked him to dance.I know just got out of a relationship and I am already dancing with another guy but you know what I don't care,I am FREE and I planned on having a good time tonight and I will!.

I could tell he was enjoying himself and I did too but his mood suddenly changed and I think I found the reason,he keep looking at this other girl with her boyfriend flirting and I could see he was annoyed,so I proposed we go somewhere fun and he took me to the sea shore."I did say fun right?"I am thinking as we arrive at the sea shore and man was I wrong.it was actually really fun looking at the moon and stars reflected by the water which made the sight even more beautiful.but something keep bugging me as we talk and I finally asked him what's up with him and the girl from the party and as I expected he lied but its cool I would not also tell a complete stranger my problems but to me it wasn't as if we just met,its like we're best friends and I knew everything about him,except about him and the girl.

We talked and talked to the last hours of the night until his phone rang and he agreed with the person on the phone about how late it is and hung up.he told me it was his mom and that she wants him to go home because its late."let's forget about Tom"the voice came back,"and the only way we'll do that is if you kiss him"so I did what the voice said and kissed him and then left quicky without ever looking back.as I was walking away I thought to myself "how dumb that was" but a part of me wanted him to say something,to call me back but he just stood there motionless and before I knew it I was already miles away and when I turned back he was gone.

Just as I arrived home my emotion started to come out,all the pain,sorrow and heartbreak came to the surface and I started to cry and at my darkest hour of crying I remembered the kiss and all the pain and sorrow just vanished.once again the voice in my head began to speak"HIS THE ONE THAT WILL HELP YOU GET OVER TOM"maybe the voice is right maybe James really can help me."but I left before I could give him my number or anything and I have no idea on how to find him"I thought to myself as I  was thinking if the voice is right and the voice said to that "then you have just lost your only true means to forget about Tom,maybe even your only chance of true love''.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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