Chapter 2-Unexpected

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Hey guys Chapter 2 whoo!!! Sorry for not updating sooner but I'm a busy person and I'll try as much as I can to publish. Well that's it there's not a big intro so let's continue with the story.



It was the second day since I started my new school and I was walking up the stairs with Ryu next to me and we were both talking. A couple of girls were behind and in front of us. We were going up upstairs to see a presentation. I saw Akane in front of the two girls.

“Akane!” I shouted.

 I saw her turn her head then keep walking.

 'Ok? So she still doesn’t want to speak.'

 I looked at the girls in front of us and saw that they had shorter skirts than Akane.

 'Guess she doesn't like showing a lot of skin.' I thought to myself.

 I looked at her legs then her body (A/N well the back of it. She shunned him away XD)

 'She's wearing tights too. And a black blazer.'

 I looked around and saw the other girls, some were wearing the sweater, others didn't and most of them were wearing knee high, thigh high and some ankle socks too.

 'Akane is different.' I thought.

 We reached the top of the stairs and I stepped in and kept walking to the room we had to go in where the presentation was being held.

“Hey why do you keep trying to get her attention?” Ryu asked.

 I looked at him and shrugged then looked forward.

 “Hibiki-Kun!” someone behind me shouted. (A/N Kun is a Japanese Honorific) I turned around and saw a girl with long chocolate brown hair that had one pink ribbon on the back and dark topaz eyes.

 “Hibiki-Kun could you sit with me in the presentation today please?”

 I looked at her then at Ryu then back at her, “Uh yeah sure” I smiled at her, “No problem.”

 “Yay!” she cheered.

 I smiled at her.

 “Oh, by the way my, Names Arito Katsumi.”

 “Nice to meet you Arito-san”

 I outstretched my hand and she took it and we shook hands.

 “You can just leave out the Honorific.” she said with a happy anime smile. (A/N sorta looks like this ^_^ except cuter and well better.) “And you can call me by my first name.”

 I smiled, “Ok then, Katsumi.”

 More girls ended up joining our little group. Katsumi kept smiling at me and I turned and saw Akane standing near the wall opposite to the door.

 “Hey we should probably go over there and be close to the room we go in.” I said pointing at the room.

 They nodded in agreement and we all walked over the wall close to where Akane was. Ryu was the only thing between me and her. We all talked and I occasionally glanced at her. She was standing there silently holding some books doing nothing. Ryu looked at me then at our whole little group.

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