Chapter 3-Happiness

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Hey guys Chapter 3 here!! Well its only Chapter 3 so don't get too excited...ok its fucking awesome!!! *clears throat* sorry...LET THE CHAPTER BEGIN!!

Hibiki POV

I walked into the school with my bag over my shoulder and my other hand in my pocket and I was walking down the street thinking of my time so far at school.

 'My first and half of my second day at school Akane didn't speak to me' I thought to myself, 'She didn't even acknowledge me.'

 I looked up and saw the red and orange brick wall that connects to the school, I looked further and I saw the top of the open metal gate.

 'I'd be at school soon.' I thought.

 I kept thinking about yesterday. Her harmonious soft voice playing over and over in my head. It was barely audible. She rarely speaks so I assume that's why it was so quiet. Even though it was only a was beautiful but...


 “I'm sorry.”

 Flashback end

 “How can I get her to speak again? Is she more comfortable speaking with me now? What can I do to make her speak more?” I muttered to myself.

 I looked up and smiled at Ryu who was standing at the gate with a couple of friends and then he saw me and waved. He exited his group and walked up to me.

 “Morning Hibiki.” he smiled at me.

 “Morning Ryu.”

 I looked around.

 “What?” Ryu asked curoiusly.

 I looked at him and a cheeky smile spread across my face, “Where’s Aoi?” I said teasingly.

 Fujita Aoi, a girl with long dark blue hair that she always wore in a high ponytail and light brown eyes. Ryu had liked Aoi for some time. Through elementry school they were friends and same with Junior Highschol but after a while he became independent and stuck around me more and Aoi found new friends. They weren't as close as they were now but they still talk. Ryu likes Aoi a lot but Aoi doesn't know, many times I wanted to tell her but Ryu's my friend so I wouldn't go behind his back. Ryu looked at me with an annoyed look and I just laughed and walked past him into the school grounds. I saw Akane walk past the side of the school.

 'Maybe if she's alone she'll talk?' I thought to myself.

 “Uh I'll be right back.” I said to Ryu as I ran to the side of the building.

 I saw her walking with her head sort of down and she was holding her left arm.

“Akane!” I shouted.

 I saw her head turn to look over her shoulder slightly but her head turned back and she kept walking.


 I ran in front of her and stared at her. She stopped walking and she still had her head down and she was holding her left arm, her right hand gripped tightly. My eyes widened as I saw a glint of red in between her fingers.

“Akane what happened?”

I tried to grab her arm away but she moved her body to the side so I couldn't.

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