It's Coming

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3 Weeks Later

"All right Kaitlyn. You seem a lot better since we started the blood treatment. Your colour has improved significantly, your voice sounds a lot better and you can walk better everyday," Lake says after trying to get a good ultrasound.

"That's good, do you think that I will have a better chance of getting changed?" I ask.

"I say it went from 15% to 43%."

"That's great." I pull my shirt back over my stomach and I head back into the living room. I sit in between Griff and Shawn.

"So when is this thing coming out?" Griff asks.

"He will born within the next three days, if you must know," I tell him.

"I still say it's going to be a girl," Shawn argues.

"How about this, we pick names for both genders."

"Okay." I think, trying to pick one of the names on my long list. "What about Anastasia if it's a girl?" Shawn suggests.

"That's beautiful and if it's a boy we'll name him Logan," I say.

"Logan, I like it," Shawn says smiling.

"I know, I'm a genius," I joke with him. I reach for my cup and Shawn quickly grabs the cup and he holds it out in front of me. "Thank you."

"No problem." I grab the cup but then a sharp pain shoots through me, I drop the cup and my knees buckle. I'm falling and Shawn catches me just in time.

Griff's P.O.V

Kaitlyn grabs the cup full of blood but then she drops it. All of the sudden her knees buckle and she's falling!

I reach out to try and catch her but Shawn is already there. "What the hell is going on?" I ask.

"She's going into labor," Shawn says as calmly as he can manage. Shit! It's really happening.

"Lake, what do we do?!" Shawn asks.

"Bring her to my makeshift office." I pick her up and we head into a medium sized room. In the centre is a metal cart. I place Kaitlyn down and then Lake walks over with a needle.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Morphine. To help with the pain," Shawn explains. Oh god, it's really happening. She's going to give birth.

"Lake, what do we do?!" Shawn asks, I can hear the slight fear in his voice.

"We'll have to do a c-section, there's no way she'll be strong enough to deliver naturally." Why is this happening now? I look over at Lake who is now holding a surgical knife and then I hear the monitor flatline.

"No! She better not be dead!" I scream running to her side and starting CPR. After 2 minutes, there's a heartbeat again.

"Griff, stay with me," Kaitlyn says, barely above a whisper.

"I promise to stay right here." Then I hear the knife cut through her delicate skin. She screams and I grab her hand which she squeezes tightly. "Geez, you trying to break my hand?"

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