*Lizzy's POV* ~ *at the railway station*
''Do we really have to go with the train?'' Natsu asked for the thousandth time for now.
''Yeah, we're going with the train!'' Gray confirmed, smirking.
Why are these guys killing each other every time they see each other.. It's making me sick..
''But I don't wanna go with the train!'' Natsu said on a sad tone.
''Don't yell at each other like that!'' I yell. ''It's making me pissed off.'' I added softly.
''Aww is our poor, little girl a little bit cranky?'' Gray said like an annoying brother, like he is. Poking my waist, smirking.
I death glare him, he knows exactly what that means so he will stop being a jerk.
Then the train arrived, our train.
''I really don't want.'' Natsu said.
I smiled, pecking his lips, ''But we have to go babe.''
''Are the lovebirds coming or what?!'' Gray said annoyed. He was all ready sitting in the train, making it himself comfortable.
I smiled to Natsu, taking his hand as we walked in the train together.
I've imaged in the train, sitting on Natsu's lap, hugging him. But reality sucks...
Natsu was laying with his head on my lap, looking really sick. ''I feel so bad'' he moaned. Poor little Natsu...
Gray sighed. ''C'mon Natsu be a man, don't be the sissy one.'' Gray said annoyed.
''I can't help it!'' Natsu said pouring.
I pet trough his hair, ''it's fine babe, you're going to be fine.'' I hope...
The train ride really had to be the hell for Natsu. I mean he has his motion sickness and it doesn't look like he had a great time or something.
When the train ride was over Natsu's self was coming back he was his self again more like Natsu-Natsu.
''So, where do we start?'' I asked not knowing what to do with the whole request thing or whatever it is. ''Just walk.'' Natsu explained simply.
''What now, just walk?!''
''The enemy will come by now or about an hour I guess.'' He explain. Enemy? we have to fight for it? Well I could have expect something like that.
''So what kind of enemy do you expect?'' I asked, knowing this is a stupid question.
''Well on the request-paper I've read something about Lamia Scale or something, but it doesn't matter because no matter who they are, we will fight them and win.'' Natsu said with confidence.
Lamia Scale? Wasn't that the guild Lyon is in? Lyon is... uuhm was a friend of Gray and me. When we where younger we always played around with each other and he and Gray did have the same teacher who teached them the ice-magic and stuff. I never was the person who could fight with ice.
So we just keep on waking, like what Natsu has told us to do.
Then someone bump up to me it makes me fall to the ground. "Hey can't you just watch out!" I yell at the person, whoever it was. "Oh I'm sorry, just a little accident. Do you mind?" He said.

Vampire troubles (Fairy Tail x Vampire Knight)
FanfictionLizzy is going to visit her twinbrother Gray, who she haven't seen in more than three years now. Then she meet someone else, Natsu. She becomes close with him. But he has a secret...