Rock X Inmate!Reader

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Requested by GuardianOfNightmares

No one's POV
It was a normal day in Nanba for cell 13, well, until now. "Numbers 11, 15, 25, and 69! You guys are getting a new cellmate today, so clean up, straighten up, and behave yourselves!" Hajime shouted through the cell door. "A new cellmate?!" The troublesome four say. "I wonder if they'll like anime." "I wonder if they understand food." "I wonder if they're good with gambling" "huh?"

Ten minutes before

"Crrkh- Hajime Soguroku (is that how you spell it?) please come see Warden Hyakushiki, Hajime Soguroku please com- owww! "You dumbass! This isn't a school! Just go tell him in person!" Shit. The button's still on, isn't it. *sigh* god dAMMIT-crrkh" the speakers ring through the halls. "I wonder what she wants now" Hajime says walking towards said wardens office. "Warden, you wanted to see me?" "Ahh, yes. Hajime, I hate to say it, but, I'm putting you in charge of a new prisoner. Prisoner Number 1347 (I just put a random number...) here are the papers."

NAME: L/N M/N (middle/name) F/N

NUMBER: #1347

DATE OF BIRTH: D/O/B (date/of/birth)


HEIGHT: F/I (feet/inches)






Present time

"WOW! This place is huge!" you yell excitedly.  "hey. #47" Hajime says. "Hm?" you cock your head to the side. "Do you ever shut up?" "Nah, does this place have good food?" "Yeah." "..." "..." "RACE YA TO THE CELL!!!" "YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE IT IS!!!"

Time skip to the cell

"Hey hot stuff, the name's Uno.  Let's gamble." "A woman. Hi. I'm Jyugo. Love me... I like men? " "HI! I'M NICO!!! DO YOU LIKE ANIME?!?" "..." needless to say, the reactions were priceless. So we're yours. "Why thank you Uno, sure! Umm...good for you? Jyugo was it?  FUCK YEAH A FELLOW OTAKU! Nico, I have the feeling we're gonna be best friends. And who are you? W-wait. R-R-Rock?" After a nod of his head, you start to tear up. Jumping in to his open arms sobbing you say, "W-where have you b-been? I-I've missed you so m-much!" "I...I've missed you too." Rock hugs you tighter. You both stop crying with a sniffle, Rock wiping away your access tears with his thumb. You look over to your left and see Nico with stars in his eyes, a depressed Uno for not getting the (smexy) girl, (yes reader-chan, you are smexy. aren't we all? well, I'm not ()) and a confused/irratated Jyugo. "would you enlighten me on HOW THE HELL YOU KNOW EACH OTHER?!?" "Well y'know how Rock was in a gang?" Jyugo nods "well, WE WERE PARTNERS" you grunt in annoyance when Rock sets you down, shortly after your rant. Noticing this, he wraps his arm around your shoulder once more. "So when's lunch?" The two of you say in sync. "I'd say right about n-" "LUNCH" Uno sighs. "Now..."

Timeskip to lunch
"YUMMY! THIS IS BETTER THAN WHEN I WAS A KID!" You exclaim taking a bite of your (insert favorite American food here). The chef 'blushes' and brings back a cake. Not just any cake though. A (f/f) cake. Your favorite. Now, your personality is "dont touch my fucking food or I'll make you regret you were born." And if (keyword if) you shared your food, its only to those who are special to you. (Is that just me) Uno, Jyugo, and Nico were drooling at the sight. You hiss/growl at them and scoot the cake closer to you, turning there smiles to pouts. You put a large bite on the fork and bring it to Rock's face. "Open up" you say. Rock opens up his mouth for you to feed him with it. You just did three things you never do, share your food, make it a big bite, and eat after your frien- scratch that. Two things. "T-This is s-so good" you say crying from how good it is. You quickly scarf down the rest of it, leaving icing (or cake crumbs if you dont like icing) all around your mouth. Rock chuckled at you. "What's so funny?" You snap at him. "Woah, calm down. You just have a bunch of shit on your face." Rock defended. "Oh" you say. You lick, or try to lick, your left cheek causing Rock to sigh. He licked his thumb and wiped off the right corner of your lips leaving you a blushing mess. You had never been this way around Rock before. No, it couldn't be... you couldn't have feelings for him... could you? (BISH I DO *cough* I'll go now) "U-umm, t-thank you R-Rock." You mentally curse yourself for stuttering. "Y-Yeah... no problem" Wait... did he just... stutter? Nico snickers and loudly exclaims, in a sing-song voice, "SOMEONE'S GOT A CRU-" "Shut the hell up if you want to live Nico." You quickly interrupt him growling, your usually sweet and smiling face having turned into a frightening glare.  He gulped and backed away, now knowing that he doesn't want to get on your bad side, even if that's a hard thing to do. The rest of lunch was silent, the awkward kind of silent.

Back to the room
After getting to the room, you immediately turn to Nico. "Oi. Nico. Do you want to watch Na-BEEP-to? What the hell was that beep noise?" "YES. YES. YES. YES. YE-" "THEN SHUT UP AND PUT IT ON!!!" While you and Nico watch Naruto, Rock stared at you, confused. Why is he feeling so weird around you? He's never felt this way before. He quickly turns his head away and blushes when you caught him staring. After you watched a couple episodes, you went to Uno for help. "H-hey Uno... can you help me with something?" You say. "Yeah sure, what is it?" He responds. "W-well I've been feeling weird around Rock lately, and I don't dislike hi-" you try. To rant but Uno quickly interrupts you. "Well," he begins, sitting down and patting a spot next to him, "How do you feel around him?" You respond shyly with, "Well, my face warms up, I get really nervous, I have butterflies in my stomach, and I don't know what's wro-" you stop mid-sentence in realization as Uno gives you a smug look. "It can't be-" "oh it is" "I'm in love with my best friend."
But what you didn't know, was that the same thing was happening with Nico and Rock.
"You should tell him!" "But what if he doesn't feel the same way?!" "Who wouldn't love you?!" "LOTS OF PEOPLE!" "WELL JYUGO, NICO, AND I LOVE the sibling kind of way... AND IF ROCK BREAKS YOUR HEART WE'LL BREAK HIS NECK!!! NOW GO!" "Okay, fine, I will" You head out to tell Rock how you feel after about a half-hour of arguing with Uno. You're preparing yourself, when Rock walks in. "U-uh I just remember we have something to do. Bye!" Uno says as he sprints out the door, dragging the other two with him. Your face heats up at the realization that you and Rock are alone. You take a deep breath 'here goes nothing' you think. "H-hey Rock?" You stutter shifting your weight from one foot to another. "Yeah Y/N?" You let out a sigh "I... have something.. really important to tell you..." you say. "Y-you do? Well, tell me." You shut your eyes tight, afraid of his reaction. "I...I think I..." You take yet another deep breath "I l-love you." Hearing silence you slowly open one of your eyes. He stood there with an emotionless face. "R-Rock, listen, if you don't feel the same way, that's fine, but please don't let this ruin our friendsh- mmmph" you got cut off by a surprisingly soft pair of lips on your own. Your eyes flutter shut, after the shock of course, as your hands slowly move to his face. After a couple seconds you break apart blushing. Seconds later you smash your lips to his. But this time it got heated rather quickly. Your hands find their way into his hair and his hands to your hips. He licks your bottom lip asking for entrance, which you eagerly granted. Both of your tongues battled for dominance, which he won rather quickly. His wet muscle eagerly explores it's new territory, it was blissful. But as air was a necessity, you reluctantly broke apart with a trail of saliva connecting your mouths together. You hid your cherry red face in his chest, making him chuckle. "That was one hell of a first kiss" you say. You give Rock another kiss, but this time it was a simple peck, but it held just as much passion as the last.
I hope you guys enjoyed it, and sorry for slow updates! (=
But I prefer quality over quickness (is that a word? Idk)
and thanks again, GuardianOfNightmares , for requesting!!!

Grammar, punctuation, and scenes that didn't make sense

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