Chapter 15- RIP

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Carls POV

Molly and I were talking but we got cut off by a low manly scream. I darted to Cell Block B to see what was going on. I saw Daryl on the ground his crossbow sitting on the ground in front of me. I grabbed a arrow and saw a walker about to bite into him.

"Leave me. Ill be with Carol."

"You fucking kidding me?"

I put the arrow through the walkers brain. Gushing out blood, Daryl threw the walker to the wall and ran to me and pinned me to the wall.

"Fuck you Carl. What i saw, you should obey!" He screamed into my ear.

"Im not leaving you for a dumbass walker Daryl." I tried to stay calm. He had his crossbow in hand.

"Lay off Daryl." I heard from the other side of the cell block.

It was Hershel. But he had a gun in hand. He never had a gun out.

"Put the weapon down and walk away from the boy slowly." Hershel had this under control, i hoped.

Then a arrow was thrown and it nicked Molly on the back of her ear. She felt the back of her ear and her hand was dripping blood.


Hershel walked over to him and gave him some sort of shot. He fell into my arms.

"Thank you Hershel."

"You watch your mouth. Let's get Molly to my office."

I walked over to her and hugged her. Getting some blood on my shirt.

Mollys POV

Daryl just threw a arrow at my ear. It was dripping. It wasnt bad. Just a scratch. If i wouldve walked in a little faster, i wouldve died.

Carl came out from the hug and we walked to Hershel's office. I sat on his desk.

"It's just a little nick on the back of the ear Im gonna have to spray it with disenfectent. Just a warning, its gonna burn."

I was not prepared for the burn and I whimpered. It felt cold and hot at the same time. Hershel then wrapped my ear with some bandage.

I jumped off the desk and gave Hershel a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you for everything Hersh."

"No problem."

Carl and I walked off. We saw Daryl still lying there.

"We should bring him to his cell and go burn this son of a bitch." I went down a grabbed Daryls legs and Carl grabbed his arms and we pulled him to his bed.

"Ugh. That fucker stinks." Carl said.

"No dip. It's a walker Carl."

"Dont get sassy with me." He remarked.

I pulled the walker out, holding in the vomit that was gonna come out soon. Carl just stood behind me watching me pull the sucker out.

"You gonna help me?" I asked.

He shrugged. Well, what the hell? Were we growing apart?

He started the fire and i grabbed the walkers arm. It fell off its body and I covered my nose. I threw the arm in the fire and threw up chunks. Carl was laughing.

"What the fuck you laughing at?" I looked over at him with a frown.

"How have you not got used to it?"

I pulled off his other arm and waved it in front of Carl's face. He was fine for a while then he ran off. I followed and he ended up throwing up too.

"Join the club." I held out my hand to help him up.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his palm.

"Now you need a hat like me. You've gotten shot and thrown up from the smell."

He smirked. I wouldve kissed him but he just threw up. What am i even saying? I kissed him. I didnt give if his lips tasted bad, mine probably do too.

"I love you Molls."

I laughed at that sexy smirk and I walked off. He followed behind. I walked to cell block b to check on Daryl. He was still asleep. I walked over to him to check his heartbeat. There wasnt one.

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