Chapter 44- Life as we know it

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Mollys POV

I had just heard something I did not want to hear a second time.

"Im pregnant."


I just sat there in disspointment.

"I'm so sorry Mags. I know how you feel." I put my hands on my stomach.

"But one thing, I dont think Glenn is ready. You know?" 

"Trust me, Carl and I arent ready either." 

She gave me a grin.

"Is it okay if I tell Carl? He's trustworthy. I promise."

"Yeah, trying not to give it all out at once, cause when that happened to you, it was you know, bad."

"It's okay Mags." 

I held out my arms for a hug and she sobbed into my shoulder which was covered with a soggy towel. I rubbed her back.

"Thank you Molly. Your a really nice girl and I hope you and Carl stay together as long as you can."

"Thanks Maggie. You too."

I let go of her and walked back out to Carl.

"What was that all about? Did you beat the shit out of her?"

"No, I couldnt."


We headed back for our cell.

"Why Molly?"

"Because she's pregnant Carl. That would be like someone abusing me while i have a life inside me."

"WHAT? I gotta tell Hershel."

He started to walk off. I grabbed his arm.

"No, she said we are the only ones to know. Cant tell nobody till her belly is bigger and its ovious."

"Oh, just like you wanted to? It didnt work. It will never work Molls." He was begining to get in a angry tone.

"Carl, calm down."

I ran ahead of him and got to our cell and locked the door.

Carl tried and tried agian to open it.

"What the hell?"

"Im getting dressed."


"I dont want you to stare at my scars agian."

"Molly, i just didnt believe it."

I saw his hand come through the bars.

I took of my swimsuit and dried off my wet body. I whipped my hair around a few times. I got out my night tank and a pair of shorts. I pulled them on quickly and opened the curtain.

Carl was sound asleep leaning against the bars. I saw Daryl walk in.

"Need some help kid?"

"Yeah, can you carry him in here? Without waking him?"

"Sure thing Molls."

He sat down his crossbow and picked Carl up. I unlocked the gate and Daryl layed him in bed.

"Thank you Daryl." 

"No problem kid."

I stood on my tippy toes and gave Daryl alittle kiss.

He walked off with squinted eyes.

"Night." I heard him mumble when walking off.

I looked at Carl, he had no shirt on and was wearing shorts. I didnt care. I hopped into bed and crawled over his little body. I layed on his cold chest and pulled up the blankets. I felt his warm breathes on my neck and saw his arm move around my shoulder.

"Goodnight Grimes."

I heard a chuckle and closed my eyes.

Carls POV

I dont remember getting into bed.  I look down at Molly laying on my bare chest. I'm shaking of coldness. I pulled Molly off of me and got up and let my body stand in the sunlight of the dirty prison windows. I looked down at my chest and my dad walked in.

"Mornin son."

"Morning dad."

"Wanna go help me with the plantation?"

"Yeah, I'll be out in a few minutes."

My dad walked out and I looked over at Molly. She was huddled in a ball. I grabbed my bag and closed the curtain. I got on my crappy plaid shirt and a pair of my old jeans. I tied my boots and sat at the edge of the bed. I sat there for a few minutes until Molly woke up.

"Morning." I smile and looked at her eyes flutter.

"Your up early." She grinned back.

"My dad wants me to help with the plantation." I put my hands on her cheeks.

"Do you have to?" Molly whined.

"Yeah. It'll only be a hour or so. You can come watch." I pulled her in towards me and gave her a quick kiss.


I let go of her face and walked out of the cell. I walked through the dark hallways with my gun in my holster. I always had my hand on it just incase. I opened the door outside and let the sunshine pour on me. I saw Molly behind me with my hat.

"You forgot something." She was still in her pjs.


She pecked my cheek and scattered off to our cell to get dressed.

I put my hat on and made sure it was secure on my head. I walked out to my dad.

"Carl, can you get the ripe fruit and vegetables and go give them to Micchone?"


Mollys POV

I walked back to my cell and began to undress. I closed the curtain. I got out my bright green shirt and my overall shorts. I pulled them on and buttoned them. I took a look in the mirror. My long brown hair fell around my elbows, my bright green eyes sparkled, and my tiny freckles on my nose. I slipped on my crappy tennis shoes and walked out to Carl to help. I didnt care what he said. I wanted to help.

I grabbed my gun and put it in my overall pouch. I walked out the door and greeted Micchone.

"Morning Molly. You helping with the work today?" She wiped her forehead of beads of sweat.

"Yeah. You want me to do something specific?"

"Go collect eggs from the chickens and maybe get some slop for the pigs?" 

"Sure." I walked over to her and she handed me a basket to collect with.

I walked to the coop and ran into Carl.

"I thought I told you not to help."

"I wanted to." I smiled and pulled him close.

"Love you Grimes."

He walked off with a huge smirk and I continued to head for the coop.

"Mornin Lassys. Got me some eggs?" I said with my best southern accent.

The 6 chickens clucked and I opened the gate. They had a pleasent suprise for me. A herd of baby chicks pecked my feet.

"Woah, I didnt think we had babies here!" I laughed at them and opened the coop. I collected the 18 eggs they had layed the last few nights.

I walked back to Micchone and wiped my head with the back of my palm. 

"They mustve had fun the last few nights."  Micchone laughed at her own joke.

She cracked a few and they started to sizzle on the fuel powered grill. I walked over to Rick and Carl.

"We got any rotten fruit or veggies around here?" I pulled on the straps of my overalls.

"Yeah over by Carl." Rick smiled and pointed over to him.

Carl was bending down with his arse up in the air. I wanted to scare him. I ran up to him and put my hands over his eyes.


"Oh my god Carl." I was laughing my head off.

I let go of his eyes and he turned facing me. 

"I knew it was you." He gave me a smirk.

"I need some rotten crap to feed the pigs." He pointed to the huge pile of rotten shit.

He handed me a bucket and he filled it for me. I skipped over to the pig pen and opened the gate. Carl followed. I had to walk through tons of mud. I dumped the slop into the bucket thing and turned around but this time, I fell on my back into the mud and shit.

Carl chuckled and then helped me up. My back was dripping and my hair was crunched together.

"Guess I gotta take a shower." I let go of his hand.

"I'll meet you after in there. Probably 25 minutes or so." 

"Ok. Bye." He waved and I walked my way to the shower rooms. Wet, dirty, and muddy.

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