chapter two

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   "Ari isn't that bad," Scott signed to Whitley as they sat on a picnic table in the mess hall a day later, "he's just a little talkative. What about Jonathan?" He asked, fingerspelling the hazel-eyed girl's co counselor's name out.

Whitley shrugged, honestly she wasn't sure what her opinion on the quiet boy that she shared a room with. "I'm not sure, he doesn't really say anything to me. I think he feels awkward around me. So what's new?" Whitley admitted, her hands moving quickly. She was used to it, but it would be nice to have the person she was sharing a room with for the summer at least talk to her. The girl she had shared a room with the previous summer had been awkward around her at first but soon became close friends with Whitley by the end, she wasn't at camp this summer though, having moved to the other side of the country.

"I don't like him." Scott signed a straightforward expression on his face. "I heard he's gotten in trouble with the law, that's why he's here." Whitley raised her eyebrows at the new information, she'd known that he had been sent away with his uncle by his parents, but she didn't think it was because he was in legal trouble.

"If he tries to do anything, just tell me," Scott tried to appear threatening as he puffed up his chest, Whitley snorted. The only intimidating thing about the friendly blonde was his height and addiction to goldfish crackers.

"Of course, but I doubt they'd send him to a summer camp if he really did something bad," she said, fingers moving fluently. "I'm going to go change before dinner," Whitley told him, standing up from the table. Scott nodded, giving her a small wave as she stepped off the concrete and walked down the grassy green lawn towards the cabins.

As she passed the lake, she caught sight of two newer counselors in front of her cabin. One of the girl's back was turned towards her, but she could see the big-haired blonde girl facing her way's lips moving.

"That's the deaf girl's cabin." Whitley slowed down, as she realized they were talking about her. The blonde paused for a moment looking at the girl in front of her. "I know, it was weird yesterday, the guy Jonathan-" The other girl must've interrupted her because she stopped talking for a moment. "Yeah he is hot as hell," she continued.

Whitley rolled her eyes as she pieced together that they were talking about her and her roommate. "Hey," the brown-haired girl greeted with a thin smile, "sorry to interrupt, but you're blocking my way."

"Oh, sorry," the blonde mumbled, her friend turning around saying something that Whitley didn't understand, but the two moved to the side as Whitley walked by and up the cabin stairs.

"Thanks, I'll let Jonathan know you think he's hot," she commented, looking back for a second to see the blonde girl open her mouth, a look of confusion flashing across her face before the door closed.

She was used to being gossiped about. She was the weird kid who couldn't hear anything. They would talk about Whitley until the next big thing happened. It was what happened every summer since the time she had been a camper.

The three bunk beds were the same, except for the folded up lilac sheets that Whitley had placed on each of them earlier that morning for the soon to arrive campers. The sudden aroma of crispy greasy fries reaching her nose as she walked towards the ajar door to her and Jonathan's room.

Pushing it open she found Jonathan sitting on his bed, guitar on his lap and a paper plate full of fries on the bed next to him. The brown-haired boy glanced up as he strummed his guitar.

"Hey," he greeted, not exactly friendly but not unfriendly. Whitley gave him a small smile as she walked to her bed and sat down. As she unlaced her red converse she looked up to see Jonathan using a fork to stab the fries as he brought the fry to his mouth and started chewing it, Whitley snickered, covering her mouth as the victim of her laughter looked up, half of a greasy fry dangling from his mouth.

Summer 1984Where stories live. Discover now