Chapter 19

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Adriana's Pov

I am here at the factory now i told Ju min i cannot fetch him but i let my driver fetch him and tour him while i am still gone. We check all the details and invesigator came and well do there jobs they told us to wait for the result.

"This means no one knows we are investigating them?" I asked the officer in charge at the case

"Yes miss so no worries"

"I will go now i still have an appointment"

"Okay miss lee don't worry were gonna do our best"

"Good thank you. Goodbye for now" i said and left

I travelled going to the hotel were ju min is staying. I waited for him at the lobby.

"Adriana!" He called as soon he saw me

"Hi ju min" i greeted he hugged i hug him back

"Bogoshipda!" I looked at him with a confuse face "sorry hahaha i say i miss you"

"Oh i thought you were saying bad words"

"No, no, no anieyo" i know what he said

"Good let's go? I'm hungry" i act like very very hungry he put he's arms on my shoulder it's okay for me

"I'm hungry too. You no work?" He asked

"No it's finish" he just nod and we walk to the parking lot ghad there so many paparazi here we just run to the car and off we go

The travel was just quick it took us half an hour to reach the restaurant.

"I want a pasta, hotdogs and pancakes how about you Ju Min?"

"The same with you" i chuckled

"So how long are you staying here" by the way stella is here in case you know i don't understand so he look at stella and speak korean

"Miss lee he said he'll just stay for 2 days and need to leave he's going europe for a concert that's why he decided to stop here first"

"Ahhhh thank you for stopping by" he said something again

"He also say that he wants to see you because it will be long time again when you see each other"

"Yeah i appreciate that. Stella when is the boys going here?"

"Next two weeks miss. Your uncle said they still need to finish recording and some fan meetings"

"Oh okay" i just shrugged

"Exo will come here?" Ju min is asking

"Yes they will have vacation" i smiled



"I like you" i know we are dating but he never said those words awkwardness fill the air and even stella is looking around

"I---- ahem i... don't know what to say" i drink the water in front of me

"It's okay i will do my best to you like me also"

Awwww that is so sweet.

"Thanks Ju min" i said and smiled

We did lots of things today and we have plan the outing tomorrow we'll go to the beach. After dinner we decided to go home ju min has he's car now because the hotel let's visitor borrow it and me i went home also.

"Were almost there Ju min almost there" i said talkng to myself at the mirror of my room i really think i am falling in love

And i went to sleep. I woke up early to prepare fod our outing and you can call it a date so i had a bikini inside my cute floral sunday dress and off i go but

"Miss adriana?" Stella at the door

"Yes stell?"

"The boys just called they are very sorry but they cannot come here"

"Oh okay" i said i don't know but i did not feel sad or what maybe because of ju min?

"And ju min is waiting miss"

"Oh yeah right" i ran down stairs and i saw a handsome man with boquets on his hands

"Good morning" he greeted me a heart melting smile.. okay i act a little over there

"Good morning" then he kissed me on the cheeks

"Let's go?" He said while holding my hand. Why is so hot even if he's hawaii inspired costume buttons closed that is so unfair

We travelled going to a nearby beach here at new york the drive was a little bit i did not realize i fall asleep. Ju min woke me up when we arrive then we walk through the lobby of this beautiful beach holding hands.

"Adriana? Sorry i not speak good english but i promise you enjoy this" i know he's trying he's best and what he is showing me is like an additional point on why i am falling for this guy

"You don't need to speak just show me" i smiled a sincere one

We did not book a hotel room because he has a flight at midnight going to europe. Lunch time while still at the beach i took off my sunday dress to swim ju min sent a dagger look and took off his polo and covered me.

"Do not show" he said pointing at my body

"Okay thank you" so i start to button the polo i left the last 3 buttons unbutton

"Let's go" so we swim

We went back to New York. We still have a dinner but let me tell you what happen earlier ju min he has been gentleman since we arrived at the beach remember the covering polo incedent? Next when he saw some of those boys are like wolf ready to eat me he directly covered me witb his arm like he's saying 'you better back off' and next when we were going home the body guards was a little bit away from us so they did not thought that the guy is a hater he was about to hurt me but ju min immediately grab his hands and beat him. Ju min is really something i think he really deserves a chance.

"Adriana?" Oh i forgot he's infront of me

"Oh yes uhhhmmm pasta and burger will be alright" i said because we are ordering food

"Me i want this and this" he said pointing to the menu

"Okay ma'am/sir while waiting for your orders please drink this wine" the waiter said as he pour a wine on each glasses

"Adriana? You enjoy?" i look at ju min and ghad he's blushing and i find it si cute

"Yes i really enjoy thank you" i smiled and i think he was hapoy of my answer cause he smiled

When the food is served, we eat it and we had little chats about his concert, talk about the things that we should for us to get to know each other. After the dinner i thought we are going home but he brought me to a place where there is a beatiful garden full of lights and a pond over the pond there is a small cottage where you can seat and view the whole place. The ambiance is so romantic.

"I am leacing later" he sound a little bit sad

"It's okay i am still going back to korea" i smiled so he won't be sad

"Adriana?" I was looking at the pond but when he called my name it was like a magnet that i need to look at him

"Hmm?" I just said

"I like you" i blink and blink to see if i'm dreaming but i am not i know he said it but now it's different after he said that fireworks were exploding at the skies we watched it and it's almost half an hour when it finish

"Ju min? Thank you i still cannot say that i like you too but we are almost there" i honestly said and i kiss his cheeks he's eyes were big as owl but then he smiled and hold my hand

"Thank you" he said

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