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Chapter 19 is up hope you guys like it

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

After the gifts Allen and Robin brought for me and a supper which Jason didn't join. I went to my room and sat on the bed crying. I scrached myself feeling disgusted of myself.

you became a really good slut for me...

you became a really good slut for me...

you became a really good slut for me...

Was he serious? This is all he thought about me? A slut? I can't believe it. I went to the bathroom and took a long bath. I still am not able to make my mind that Jason did this to me. But my conciousness had already made her mind.

What do you expect from a criminal?

Maybe, Jason and I are not meant to be. I heard the door open. I went out my room, to see those 2 boys who came by. "Um... Jason's room is that one" I said. Allen and Ryan also came out of their room and so did Jason. "We didn't get anything, Boss, like we talked to one of Josh's guys-" "can we talk in my room?" Jason asked. "About?" Robin asked. "And, we need introduction" Chaz said.

"This is Chaz and Ryan, my main gang members" He said. "That was too Much for introduction" Ryan said. " and this is Robin an Allen. My friends" He said. "Why are they here?" Robin asked. "Actually, they are here for some bussiness" Jason said. "For another murder?" Allen asked. Ryan and Chaz looked at each other and then Jason. "Allen, I'm not going to murder someone" He said. "Like, really? You want me to believe you, Jason?" Allen asked. "Dammit, Allen, I don't know what has gotten into you but It's making bloody pissed off now" Jason said. "Right, what you do is right and we are making you pissed off because we try to stop you everytime you do something ridiculous" He said.

I knew this was gonna be bad. "Allen, Jason, stop!" I shouted. "This is all because of you" Jason said. I felt tears trying to come out of my eyes. "Nothing is because of her" Allen said. "Allen!" I shouted fighting back tears. "Jason's right, he's right... I want to go home" I said. Jason looked at me. "I'm fine with that" He said. I closed my eyes, feeling sick of Jason's hate. "You know what, Jason, She's safe without you" Allen said. "You can take her the shit out of my house. But... tomorrow" Jason said. Ryan and Chaz looked confused, Robin was silent. "We would leave right now!" Allen said. Jason went to the door and locked it putting the keys in his pocket. "But you can't, it's dangerous" He said looking at Allen. "What did he do, guys?" Allen asked looking at Ryan and Chaz. Jason walked into his room shutting the door behind him.

I explained Allen and Robin pieces and so did the both boys. "Now, I literally can't believe Jason" Allen said. "Guys, it's really dangerous, maybe someone is waiting outside the house to shoot the shit out of you" Ryan said. "Okay" Robin said. "But what are you guys gonna do about this?" He asked. "Jason makes plans, we follow" Chaz said. He nodded, we showed Ryan and Chaz rooms to stay and went to our rooms. I just cried and cried...

Jason's P.O.V.

I went to my room and laid on my bed. Ryan and Chaz entered my room. I quickly sat up straight glared at them for not knocking the door and again laid on the bed. "Jason, we forgot to tell you about what we got" Chaz said. "Speak up" I said staring the ceiling. "We talked to one of Josh's guys, he said that Josh's parents knew about his gang bussiness, they were depressed about how people looked at them and their older son doing such things" Ryan said. They both sat on Jason's bed. "His brother, Mason, however blamed you not minding that his brother was also responsible... then he got angry because his father commited suicide because of embarrasment and things got worst... then rest you know" Chaz said. "What does he want now?" I asked. "He sent his men to find your beloveds, friends, close people" Chaz said. "Whom they won't find" I said. "But these friends and girl?" Ryan asked. "I am sending them because of that" I said. "I won't ask what's up?" Ryan said. "Thanks..." I said. They left the room and I slept.

I felt soft lips on mine. I was kissing someone closing my eyes, before i could open my eyes she ran out wearing a beautiful white gown. "Jason! Jason!" I heard a girl's voice. It was my home in Canada. I was in my room, in morning, curtains were open wide, letting the sunlight come in. I took off the sheets on me and followed the sound. "Jason" I heard again. I walked down the spiral stairs, to the big living room, where Allen, Robin, Ryan and Chaz stood smiling and the girl stood behind Allen. He pulled her from behind him, she covered her face with her hands. And I am confused as hell. I took her hands from her face to see (Y/N). I gaped as she came close to me placing both her hands on my chest, I stood there, when she slowly pecked my lips.

I woke up in my room, sweating. God, what was that?! I felt temperature hot and pushed the sheets off me. I ran my fingers in my hair and turned on the lights. I went to the kitchen to get some water. I got the bottle and On my way to my room, I saw (Y/N)'s room's door slightly open and lights on. I peeked through it to see, (Y/N) sitting on the floor near her bed, her chin resting on the bed as teas sparkeled on her cheeks. She wiped the tears sitting straight. I accidently hit the bottle with wall. She looked towards me. "Jason, come in..." She said, her voice broke. I just stood there. She came to me, pulled me in her room and sat on the floor again and so did I. She smiled looking at me.

"Jason, I don't know what I did... but, i'm pretty sure that made you very angry" She said. "I am leaving tomorrow, I can't believe you agreed cause cops are still looking for you" She said. "But you did and that means that you hate me so much that you could risk leaving me out. And if you think that I am a bitch who would tell everyone about you..." She took my hand in hers kissing it lightly. "I won't" She said smiling. I just looked at her confused. She placed her forhead on my hand and cried. I don't know how to react to this! She sniffeled and stood up looking at me so I also stood up. "Good bye, Jason" She said. I walked out of the room and went to my bed. A night i would rememver very very very much

Vote and commet, beliebers... 😙😚😁

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