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Jacks POV:

What the fuck. was the first thing that came to mind as I watched her retreating back. This chick made me feel weird as fuck. Then I realized that the whole time I was under her control. Austin, Carlos, and Alex just stared at me.

"Dude." Austin said

Alex said "Well that was unexpected."

I turned and stared at them for a while not able to form any words. She just took control of me. That's not right, I'm the player. I started walking out of the lunch room with the guys trailing behind me. I looked around outside till I spotted her gazing into her locker. I knocked three times and it caused her to jump. When she saw me she placed a smile on her face.

"Well hello there. The names Jack." I said to her acting like I wasn't totally freaking out right now.

"Hey babe, what's up?" What's up with that name? I hate it, It's annoying.

I shut her locker and pinned her to it. I leaned down and kissed her hungrily. She refused to allow my tongue access into her mouth so I trailed kisses down her neck till I found her soft spot and she gasped. I smirked against her neck. This is how it's supposed to be. I'm the player, and she's my victim. Then I felt something tingling at my waistline and I realized she had her fingers gently rubbing against my soft spot right where my boxers started.
I looked at her straight in the face and realized she was smirking. I gave out a soft moan as her fingers grazed the spot again. I was bright red. She pushed me away and walked off down the halls. Not once looking back. Dammit she took control again.

"Dude, she just controlled you." Carlos said laughing

"I thought it was supposed to be the other way around." Alex laughed as well

"Will this girl finally be the one to break you?" Austin said joining in the laughter with Alex and Carlos.

I shut them up with a glare. "Kalie will be mine."

"Ok man." Was all they said as they walked off towards there next classes.


Kalie's POV:

I woke up Tuesday morning to a very eager Hailey jumping on my bed. I grumbled and she laughed.

"Did you see Jacks face when you pushed him away." She squealed adding a quick "priceless." and we both burst out laughing. "Come on we gotta make the plan and get us looking hot."

"Ugh. Fine."

I got out of bed and grabbed the whiteboard and markers Hailey had brought over and we started organizing a plan. It took us about a half hour to finally get all the ideas sorted.

"Ok, so the plan is to get Jack to fall in love with you, then you dump him like he does to every girl he's ever touched." I nodded when she finished. "Great!"

I chuckled walking over to my closet, hoping to find something that will make every guys jaw drop when they see us coming.

Hailey grabbed a handful of shirts and I did the same with pants and shorts. We spread them out till something caught both our eyes. I reached over and picked up a white flowy tank and Hailey grabbed faintly blue washed shorts shorter then the ones I wore yesterday. We looked at each other and nodded.

After we got ready we headed to the Starbucks closest to the school where Nikki said she was gonna meet us there.

When we arrived we saw Nikki and my jaw dropped. She looked HOT. She giggled and we ordered our drinks leaving and getting in our cars.


When we pulled up to the school all eyes were on us. I was in the middle with Hailey on my left and Nikki on my right. The way we looked and walked. It seemed like we were pulled straight from mean girls.

I spotted Jack sucking the face off some chick. He instantly stopped and looked straight at me. He dropped the girl he was kissing on her ass. I smirked and walked passed him. Leaving him with a dumbstruck look on his face.

We reached my locker and started laughing.

"D-did you see his face when he saw you?" Nikki said tripping over her own feet which only made us laugh harder.

I nodded just as the bell rung. Shit. I'm late for math. I walked into the class and saw that Jack was already sitting in his usual seat. I went and sat right beside him.

"Hey." He said smirking at me and he put his hand on my thigh. I swatted it away while making a tsk tsk sound when he put his hand back.

"Don't do that." I said grabbing his hand and pushing it away.

"Or what?" He said putting it back. Sliding his hand higher and higher.

That damn player is taking control again. I need to gain the control again. So I put my hand on his inner thigh and drew small circles. He went hard and pulled his hand away. Going an all new shade of red. I smirked and pulled my hand away. That's better.

I half listened to the lecture Mr. Rootenburg was giving. Till the bell rang and I was happy to leave.


I went and sat at my usual table with my friends. We were chatting away when someone sat down next to me and three others sat around our table. I looked to see it was Jack and his friends.

"Mind if we sit?" One asked with blonde hair, and blue eyes.

Hmm... what would he do if I hit on his friends. "Sure, but you gotta tell me something first."

They all looked at me. "Sure love. What do wanna know?"

"Well for starters. Your names." I said smirking

They looked surprised, but obeyed. "I'm Austin. And this is Carlos, and Alex." The guys nodded.

"I've always dug guys when their names start with an A." They all looked surprised at my flirting and Jack looked pissed.

He slammed the table, got up and left the lunch room. I smirked got up and followed him. I came out just as he punched a locker. I walked up to him and pulled his hand so I could look at the damaged knuckles. I winced and touched one that was bleeding.

He groaned and shoved me up against the locker putting his hands by my head trapping me. He leaned down and crashed his lips into mine. Forgetting about the plan I let his tongue gain access to mouth. This kiss was hungry and passionate. He was in control, and I liked it. Then I remembered the plan and I pushed him away. He came back trying to kiss me again but I side stepped and walked off. Leaving him look yet again dumbstruck.


Hey guys!

So did you like the chapter? I liked it. I'm sick so I'm on bed rest and will probably put up another chapter or two today.
Here's the question of the chapter.

Did you like jacks POV? Should I do it again?

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- Anon

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