
19 2 0

"KALIE! GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED AND COME EAT BREAKFAST." Matt yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I groaned leaning over and checking the time.

7:30! You've got to be kidding me.

Who in their right mind gets up at 7:30 on a Saturday!? Knowing Matt, if I didn't get up he'd most likely dump water on my head. So I did as I was told. I pounced down the stairs and started heading towards the kitchen.

I stopped when I heard Matt talking to himself. I got closer and realized he wasn't talking to himself he was talking to some guy, that was leaning on the counter. I sauntered in the kitchen grabbing a plate throwing eggs bacon and a few pieces toast on it.

I turned around and smashed into a wall, dumping my food all over it. Damn it. I looked up to realize it was the guy Matt was talking to not a wall.

"I-I, umm sorry?" It came out more like a question, but I've never cared less. This guy was hot as fuck.

He chuckled and turned to the sink to clean off his shirt. "It's fine."

"Hello earth to Kalie." Matt said snapping his fingers in front of my face. didn't realize I was staring. I turned around blushing.

I mumbled something about going to my room, leaving the kitchen. When I got to my room I called Hailey. She answered on the first ring.

Phone call:

"Hello?" Hailey asked clearly surprised to get a phone call.

"Hey, it's me I've got some news to tell you." She squealed.

"What's it about?"

"Some guy in my kitchen. He is totally hot."

"Like as hot as jack hot?" She asked

"Hotter. Like double -t worthy." I said

She squealed into the phone causing me to pull it away from my ear. "When do I get to meet him?" I laughed.

"Whenever you want as long as he's around."

"Sweet. I gotta go though babe bye."

"Ok bye."

I hung up

Phone call ended:

I grabbed a towel and went to shower. When I got out I got dressed into a cute romper and went downstairs. I immediately blush realizing the guy was still here. I walked past him with a small "sorry again about your shirt."

He replied with a small "it's fine." And went back to talking to Matt. "So are you going to the party tonight?"

"Yea I'll be there." Matt said and they did he whole guy-bro-hug-chest-bump thingy before the guy left.

"Umm, two questions. One who the hell was that? two what party? and can I come?" I asked excitedly

"I've got four answers to give you. One that was Alec. Two it's Alex's party. Three no you can't come. and four that was three questions not two." He smirked.

I shoved his shoulder realizing I had asked three questions not two. "Whatever." and I walked past him to eat breakfast.

You know what. I really don't care that he just told me no to going to the party. Cause I'm going anyway, and Hailey is so coming with me. I phoned her and told her to get her butt over here. ASAP. Turns out she can listen cause she was here in five minutes. I pulled her up to my room, and told her that we were going to a party and we had to look hot.

She got to work immediately, making us look hotter then hot.

"Now lets go to Alex's party." I said grabbing the keys to the Honda Civic.

We drove for almost thirty minutes, till we finally came to a clearing and I saw a drunken idiot dry humping a pole. Gross. We got of the car and headed towards the house.

Let the party begin.


Hey guys! I so hope you liked this chapter. It's just a filler chapter and its 11:30 pm! So please no judgement. I know this chapter is way shorter then the others, I'm sorry. The next one will be longer I promise. Ok so question of the chapter.

What do you think will happen at the party?

I personally have no idea what's gonna happen ;)

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- Anon

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