Chapter 3

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Dear Andy, I'm Sorry - Chapter 3

"So..." Jake shut his door so the rest of the guys couldn't hear us talking. "What do you want to do?" He jumped on his bed and laughed.

"Now you've said it, I really want to try and beat you at Call Of Duty..." He laughed to himself before getting his controller and throwing me the other one.

"You're easily pleased..." He kind of giggled and I playfully punched him.

We started playing and I'd never played before so I was just getting the hang of it. However, I was still owning Jake. How he was the best out of the guys was beyond me... He eventually gave up and turned it off.

"Awh. Is little Jake sad that he lost?" He glared at me.

"Little Jake? I'm bigger than you..." He realised that it sounded wrong. "I didn't mean it like that baby Biersack... You're worse than Ashley!" I glared at him.

"Don't even go there Pitts!" He looked hurt and hugged me.

"You know I'm kidding... I'm just saying it to wind you up."

We just sat for a while in silence. It wasn't bad silence though... It was kind of nice silence... Then he had to ruin it by bringing up exactly what I didn't want to talk about.

"So, what really happened?" I took a while to think through what I was going to say.

"Well, I'd been at school all day and it had been torture thanks to me being moved into the form group that had all the people who hate me in. I guess I just didn't want Andy to get involved as much as he always does. We had a HUGE argument when I just asked him to not get involved and then... Well you all know what happened from then on..." My voice was cracking a little bit as Jake put his arm around me tighter.

"You know what your brother is like. He's over-protective to say the least... He always comes around after a while though. He's so not worth doing that over. You're a good kid, Andy sees that and that's why he over-reacts a lot of the time. If anything else happens like that, and Andy starts flipping out, then come and find me rather than doing something stupid."

"M'kay. I will." We just sat for a while until Andy walked in, most likely to see what we were doing.

He looked at us really weirdly and just stood there. He didn't move, just stood there. It was quite weird, I mean it was only a hug. I did not expect his reaction at all though. I expected him to flip and go crazy because of the look on his face but he didn't.

"So are you guys like... a thing now or something?" I looked at Jake and he nodded. "Well I'm happy for you little sister." He came over and playfully ruffled my hair. "At least I can trust Jake." I playfully shoved Andy.

"Yup, at least I'm not Ashley." We were all laughing as Ashley walked in and moaned at Jake for being mean.

Soon enough all the guys were sat on Jake's bed talking. I was surprised that the bed actually took the weight of all six of us but it somehow did. We were just genuinely talking until someone knocked on the door and I had to go and get it.

It was nothing exciting, just the mail man. It was all fan mail and I seriously couldn't be bothered to carry it all upstairs, so I just shouted of the guys and they came down the stairs to go through it.

There wasn't much, just loads of letters and a few gifts. It was basically just what they normally got in the form of fan letters and gifts. Andy snapped me out of my thoughts by handing me one.

"What's this?" I looked at him weirdly.

"Someone sent a letter here for you..." I looked at it and began to carefully open it. It read:

Jayy Biersack,

Andy recently posted on Twitter about you being in hospital. I don't really understand why but I know that your brother has been blaming himself about it so it must be serious.

I hope you get better soon and I was hoping you could answer me something?

Why is your brother blaming himself? If that's not too much to ask anyway...

Many thanks,

Kady Rayne

I found an address inside the envelope and started to write a little letter back explaining what had happened... It went something like this:


I'm perfectly fine now, and Andy is only blaming himself because he was too over-protective which caused me to do something that put me in the hospital for two weeks... I'm not going to go into what it was but it was severe and it was a stupid thing to do.

Andy is always blaming himself for everything bad that's happened regarding me in the 16 years I've been on this planet. It never has been 100% his fault though.

Thanks for caring,


I left it at that and decided I would wait a few days before sending it, just incase anything popped up regarding the content of the letter. I didn't really think anything would, but lately I hadn't expected most of the things that had happened to happen.


So, just me here... I want to ask my readers a question before I continue... Should I add in a chapter as if it was written by Andy to get his take on the story, or leave it all in Jayy's point of view?

Thanks for reading, commenting and voting and stuff :) I'm glad you guys like it :)

Love, ChristiansComa

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