Chapter Five

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I heard someone knock on the front door quietly as I listened to my mother's steps hurry along the floorboards that had been freshly cleaned. 'Hello! Catherine! It's such a pleasure to have you here again, Oliver is quite busy at the moment.' I continued to listen as I sat on the floor in the room opposite of them. "Come now, have a seat, I will get you a cup of tea yes?' my mother didn't really give her any time to speak, before walking off, in quite of a hurry to impress her, like bending down and kissing a rich persons feet.

I managed to stand up, leaving the bucket on the floor as I wanted a question I had in my mind to be answered that only Catherine could answer. My body was covered with loose clothing so it was hard to tell if I was hurt, but I knew she saw that something was wrong in my eyes as I watched her expression of happiness when she saw me, turn into a frown of sadness and worry. 'Oh, hello Oliver, are you alright?' I didn't answer her question, I was worried too much about mine to bother. 'Catherine, why are you here?' the smile she tried to force dropped once again as she fixed her posture and patted down the parts of her dress that stuck up slightly. 'Oh, I guess you really don't get told much. I'm here because of, well... our marriage, and such...' It looked like she was about to say more, but I spoke again, my voice slightly monotone. 'But why did you come back? Why didn't you run? Do you want to?' her face looked confused and disappointed as I asked her many questions, her facial expressions showing that it was hard for her to answer what I asked.

'Well, Oliver... I came back because...' She swallowed. It was obvious that she was nervous and something was deeply upsetting her. 'My mother heard of the news as a request by you, a man. You know that once a man wants to marry someone, and the other person says yes...' she stopped speaking as she looked down, sighing softly as she fiddled with the bottom of her dress. 'I can't leave, it was already finalized before you found out. I would have said no if I knew you didn't know or even agree to it, I'm so sorry, you know I wouldn't do such a thing to you, we have been friends for so long... I really am sorry.' She said sorry so much, that she reminded me of a poor person begging for their life. 'Run away if you don't love me' I said this as bland as possible I couldn't possibly care in such situations. She looked down and went to say something. "Oliver, I-!' I hear footsteps behind me, Catherine saw my face turn into pure horror, my eyes widening in fear. 'Oliver? You knew she was at the door, how sweet.' She has two teas, one for Catherine, and one for herself. She nudged me out of the way discretely and glanced at me. I looked to the side, but I had to speak up when my mother said 'here you go sweetie, tea. Made just for you.' Catherine held the hot tea in hand and I managed to speak to my mother. 'You don't understand, she's lactose intolerant.'

'Oh? Is she now?' Catherine looked at my mother 'sorry! I was going to tell you, but you walked off before-!'A sharp pain hit my face as I dropped to the ground. Slowly coming to realization, Catherine was screaming in fear, her hands up to her mouth in pure shock. And my mother was looking down at me, a broken tea cup in hand.

'You did this on purpose didn't you!' she yelled as she threw the rest of the tea cup at me. I didn't say a word. Instead, I held my bleeding head, my vision already getting blurry as I have lost a lot of blood already. 'Oliver!' I heard Catherine yell my name, my eyes starting to close as I felt hands touch my wrists and pull me up. Hearing faint footsteps, I knew my mother was walking away from what she created.

Giving no effort, I was lifted into a sitting position, my back slouched, my head spinning as I felt like throwing up. Catherine must have noticed my recent wounds because she started crying. I felt her warm tears against my skin that was gradually getting colder.

'w-we have to get a doctor h-here! Or get you to a doctor! Your blood is draining fast!' I could tell she was panicking, her breathing heavy. Her tears falling down faster than before.

'I want Vincent...' was the last thing I said, before I blacked out. The colors of red and black was all I could see.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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