Chapter Three

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I open my eyes to see Vincent on top of me, his smile as bright as the sun as he bent down, kissing my lips softly. I felt my cheeks get hotter as he wrapped his arms under my torso, flipping me around so that I was laying on top of him. 'Ah! V-Vincent!' I looked beside me and saw where I was sleeping, the sheets were all messed. "You had a nightmare right? I saw you stirring and turning in your sleep and you looked so helpless I couldn't help but save you! I am your knight in shining armor after all!' Vincent said this in an extremely happy tone. An embarrassed smile appeared on my lips as I looked back at Vincent, getting flustered as he looked into my eyes. 'You're a-awfully happy today.' Vincent didn't let go of me, but he did move me onto my side. 'Of course I am. This is the rare day were your mother isn't around to annoy you.' my eyes widened as I slid from under his grip, my face full of panic. 'That's right! I was supposed to clean the floorboards! And wipe the furniture down! Ah! I'm going to get killed!' I was frantically getting dressed but in the middle of putting my top on, I was startled by a half-naked Vincent grabbing my dominant hand. 'It's going to be okay. I'm here to help you with that, you won't die, calm down lamb.' I closed my eyes as he planted a loving kiss on my lips, my heart fluttering. 'O-okay... I'm sorry.' I said, my voice out of breath. My legs feeling weak as my wrist was let go. I put my top that was hanging around my neck, on properly. 'Don't stress anymore. Today is our day, our three year anniversary of being together.' I looked to the side, sighing gently. 'Even if it is secret...' I felt as if I was going to cry. 'Shh...' I hear this as I feel Vincent's finger silence my lips. 'It's okay, soon will be when we tell them.'

I woke up with a gasp, hearing the sound of a whip, I tense, my body scared. 'Oh no...' my body started to shake as all I could do was hide in my room, knowing I was cornered.

"Oliver! You left her crying, I had to send her home!' her raspy voice became louder as she opened the door violently, not even letting me utter a word as she swung the whip she owned violently, the crack echoing throughout the room as the pain started sinking into my skin. No matter how many years this happened... I still can't get used to the pain. 'a-ah!!' I let out a pained noise as I heard crack after crack of thin leather on my skin. 'M-mother I'm sorry!'


But it was too late of course. I left her in a horrible mood. There was no way with me yelling at her so loudly, that she would ever stop at this point. 'If only you had never met that stupid boy! Then you might have been normal! Your father wouldn't have chosen to leave!' she stopped at one point. I couldn't remember when. I held my body, my arms wrapped around my torso as I screamed. Not daring to open my eyes. 'This is your fault.' Something was thrown at me and I winced, my eyes still closed. Seeing nothing but darkness. Wanting that to be all I see. I don't want to see my body. I'm so scared. Vincent... I am terrified.

I sit near the bartender, onto my third drink of whiskey, my words already slurring as I mumbled to myself about my mother, looking across the room to find anyone to talk to. Everyone avoided me. Maybe it was because I smelt bad, or maybe because of these wounds and bruises that bare my pale skin. Stuck in a stare, I shake my head, drinking the rest of my glass, ordering another. I watched the bartender pour it. It looked almost mesmerizing. The way he poured it looked as if it was water flowing down a river, gliding across rocks underneath. Before I knew it I was onto my fifth drink, my body completely ignoring me as I tried getting it to stand. As if it was fate, a boy who looked tremendously taller than me slid into the stool next to me, his white teeth showing as he smiled happily to the bartender. 'Hey handsome how about some drinks? One bourbon, the other water. Thanks.'

To my surprise, he turned to me, his smirk catching me off guard. He looked into my eyes and I felt as if my heart froze, time stopping along with it. I accidently let out a gasp, as if the gasp was forced by his eyes that studied mine. "Vincent, and you? Little lamb." His words felt soft to my ears. The sounds of betting and yelling around me sounded as if it had all disappeared. My body jolted slightly as he called me that, was I surprised? I wasn't sure. It was a feeling I had never felt before. 'O-Oliver...' he smirked at my short response, taking a sip of his alcoholic drink he was given, his glass bigger than mine. He pushed the cup of water over to me. "Drink it all up little lamb. Your small body is rocking slightly in that stool you're on.'

As if I felt safe, happy that at least someone cares about me. Even if he did just meet me, I listened, taking a small sip, choking on it as I coughed. His eyes widened slightly as he heard and watched me choke. "Careful my little lamb, I don't want you choking on something so small, so early.' His small smile turned into a larger, more seductive smirk as he reached his hand toward me, I flinched thinking of my mother. His hand went past me, pulling over the ashtray that was behind me. My eyes widened slightly as I realized he wasn't reaching for me. Slightly disappointed, but relieved in my drunken state, I placed my hands on the bench, placing my head on them. When I looked up at Vincent he had lit a cigarette, breathing in the toxins. I always thought smoking was a bad and ugly habit, but him smoking make my lower half wriggle in my seat.

'Like what you see lamb? It's dangerous to smoke. So you shouldn't be.' I let out a slight noise as he smirked, breathing out smoke from his lungs. He bent down slightly, his eyes studying me again. 'You're a cute one aren't you? You have a certain look, that boys like me crave.' Seeing the world spin slightly, my cheeks felt extremely hot, hotter than they usually would when I'm drunk. I drunk more of the water that was given to me. 'B-boys like you..?' I asked this, my eyes looking up at him. He breathed in smoke a few more times, before putting it out in the ashtray. 'Curious are we? You will find out soon enough.' He winked, my body shuddering.

Why did he talk to me? What does he want from me? I wanted to know more.

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