Old Wounds - Kara Danvers

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Title: Old Wounds

Fandom: Supergirl

Dan Carson hates aliens. He is a strong supporter of the alien registration act, rallies every week with the alien protester group, and does everything he physically can to show his despise of the other-worldly beings.

Unlike most alien haters, Dan has a reason. When he was nine years old, a gang of aliens broke into his house and murdered his parents in cold blood. He only survived because his mother had hidden him in the basement. Now, fifteen years later, he does everything he can to show how much he loathes aliens, no matter what kind.

But that becomes difficult when it's an alien wearing a cape that saves his life.

Cover: I didn't make a cover, again. Sorry! I'm really being lazy at the moment.

This is pretty much the first story I have thought of where the main character is a boy! Anyway, I don't really have much to say about this plot. Actually, there is only thing: make sure you get Dan's personality right! He's a very dark and negative person and I can't stress enough that he will definitely NOT be nice to Supergirl even after she saves his life. He'll need to warm up to her eventually, of course, but saving his life won't just be a ticket to his good side. As for how she saves his life, that's completely up to you! Maybe it can be a natural disaster or he's just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe someone is targeting him for some reason! Maybe it could even be the people who killed his parents!

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