Chapter 11

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I wake up the next morning. My phone is buzzing off the hook. I groan due to my lack of sleep last night. I heard crashing and faint yelling and screaming. I knew it was Harry it took everything in me to not go running to him. I remembered what happened last time I did that.

"He-" I clear my throat "hello?"

"Maddi!" my little sister says a little too excitedly into the phone.

"Hey." I say again my tiredness is evident in my voice.

"Why do you sound tired?" she questions.

"Because you've woke me up at five in the bloody morning Elizabeth." I say.

"Oh whoops I forget you live in NY." she says.

"How, um, how's everyone? Mummy? Daddy? How are they?" I question.

I roll over on my side and decide to get up and go out on the balcony of my room. I can watch the sun rise.

"They're good daddy has been gone a lot. It has mummy on edge." I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Don't let her worry too much Lizard." I call her my nickname I gave her because I know she loves it.

"She misses you Maddi." she says.

"I miss her too, give her my love." I say.

"How's that job going for you? The one at the library."

"Not good if I'm honest. It's total hell, I plan on quitting when I find another job." I say.

"Why love what's happened?" she questions.

"A lot of things." I fight the tears I feel welling up in my eyes and bite my lip.

"Maddison?" she says after I stay quiet.

"Um let's just talk about something else yeah?" I say.

"Hmm okay, any boys?"

"I do have my eye on one yes." I say.

Keep your private life, private.

"His name?" she pushes.

"It's uh Liam, I like him a lot but he doesn't know that." I say.

I remember I can't tell her a thing about Harry and I. Only about Liam. I feel the tears come yet again.

"I got to go Lizard I love you." I say only wanting to get off because I'm going to start crying if I don't.

"Awe come on." she begs.

"You're 18 Elizabeth not 3 so when someone says they need to go don't argue. I love you, tell mummy I say hello." I say.

"Fine I love you and I'll text you." she hangs up.

I roll my eyes, in all honesty I miss her. Having a younger sister by only two years is great but sometimes terrible. I step back into my room, I need a hot shower. I take off my clothes and put on my robe. I grab my toiletry bag and head to the bathroom.

It's so quiet. Harry's still asleep probably, I'm almost scared to go downstairs to see what's broken. I'm worried that Harry may be hurt, but I won't go down until I'm ready to go down.

I turn on the shower to hot with some cold. I lock the door because I don't want Harry barging in here as much as I would like that. I actually don't want him in here right now.

I step under the water that feels oh so amazing as it falls onto my tense skin. I tilt my face into the water and let it cascade down my face. I eventually wash my hair and body, shave then I get out. I wrap my hair in a towel and wrap myself back up in my robe. It's not technically my robe it was here when I got here it's silk and oh so amazing. Wait! What if it belonged to one of the others he's had in there?

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