Chapter 37

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I wake to the sound of singing. It's Harry he's singing but why? Opening my eyes I adjust to the darkness around me. I see Harry's figure kneeled down next to Penny's bed. Which is always on my side.

"Harry what's wrong?" I question.

"She couldn't sleep I think she had a bad dream." Harry explains.

I glance at Penny who is now sleeping soundly.

"She's sleeping now." I smile.

Harry nods climbing back in bed wrapping his arms around me. He kisses my cheek nuzzling his chin into my neck. We fall back asleep.


Penny is my alarm clock when I'm woken up again. Harry is gone from his side he must be tending to stuff in his office. I sit up still a bit groggy from my sleep and pick up Penny who still cries. She's hungry. I yawn getting up, I walk to the kitchen.

There I find Niall walking around fixing some what appears to be biscuits. I start fixing Penelope's bottle.

"Was that someone's request?" I question.

"Your sisters she seemed quite hungry starved even." Niall informs.

"Oh?" I press.

"Yeah her pupils were a bit big, she smelled, forgive me but she smelled bloody awful." he says.

"Thank you for telling me." I say before walking quickly to Harry's office.

He's typing away on his computer.

"Harry." I say.

"Maddison." he says stopping typing and reaches for Penny.

I give him her and he continues to feed her.

"What's wrong?" he says seeing the concern on my face.

"I think my sisters is doing drugs." I say.

"That's a big accusation if she's doing it. Where do you suppose she got the money for such things?" he questions.

"I don't know unless she took some of what dad left for them," I say sitting on the seat in front the desk, "Niall said she smelled awful and her pupils were big. She was really hungry." I explain.

"She's definitely doing it." Harry says.

I put my face in my hands sighing in defeat.

"This is my fault." I say.

"Why would you say that?"

"Because it is! If I hadn't of said anything to him if I would've just for once shut my mouth he would still be here." I say.

He gets up walking to me.

"It's not your fault Mads. Don't blame yourself you did what was right, it was your dad who chose to leave." he says.

I put my head on his shoulder. 

"Why are you in here so early?" I question.

"I got a business call, I have a dinner meeting with a woman. We're going to be discussing some important things. I'm looking at expanding buying another business." he explains.

"A woman? Usually it's men." I say.

"Maddison? Do I sense jealousy?" he smirks.

"Wipe that smirk off your face Styles. You've never met with any woman for business." I say.

I take Penny from him.

"I'm not getting into it because I know what's going to happen. I'm leaving early today some things need my attention at the office as well." he explains.

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