Chapter 4: Breakfast Date

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I woke up in agonizing pain. It was unbearable as I slowly opened my eyes to find myself laying on the floor in my room. I couldn't hardly move and the pain in my stomach was worse than anything else. I couldn't bare this pain much longer because honestly it was killing me.

After a minute or so of laying there, I decided to try to get up. No use in laying there because the pain will never go away.

I slowly sat up and winced with every movement. Everything hurt with every move I made. I didn't know how the hell I was going to stand up. I can barely sit up, let alone lay down.

I really hate Sofia sometimes. She always hurts me worse everyday and it's getting to where I can't take it anymore. I can't exactly stand up to her because she's a lot tougher than I am, and I know for sure that she'll beat the living shit out of me ten times worse if I ever try to defend myself.

I sat there for a while until I was brave enough to try and stand up. I took a deep breath and held onto the dresser as I helped myself up. The pain in my stomach shot right through me but I tried my best to ignore it. It was like a never ending wave of pain and it was terrible.

After I finally stood up, I grabbed the edge of my dresser and just stood there and tried to breathe. I glanced at myself in the mirror and I stared at myself. I couldn't believe that the girl in the mirror was me. It didn't look anything like me.

That girl in the mirror was broken beyond repair. She looked like an absolute mess. Her hair was a pile of shit, her clothes were all worn and torn apart, and her face looked terrible. I couldn't believe that the girl I was staring at was me.

I shut my eyes and tried to keep myself from crying. I've dealt with this for four years. I should be use to it. I should be use to the beatings, the hits, the bruises, and the pain. I should be use to all of it, but I'm not. I won't ever be use to it. I won't ever take the hits and not feel a thing. I'm not that strong, and I never will be.

I pushed myself off of the dresser and tried my best to stand on my own. It was hard, but I succeeded. I stood there for a minute until I knew that I could walk without falling over. I slowly walked to my door and opened it. I peeked out and didn't see anything down the hall so I walked out and slowly went down the stairs.

I didn't hear anything or anyone, so I was hoping that it was true. I didn't want to run into Sofia or anyone for that matter. It's rare to see Sofia in the mornings, so I know that she's not here. She's always gone when I wake up in the morning, and she gets home by the time I'm home from school.

I peeked in the kitchen and didn't see anyone then went to the living room and saw that it was empty too. I sighed a breath of relieve and made my way to the kitchen to find something to eat. I knew we didn't have a lot of food, but we had enough and we had to save some food because we'll run out fast.

I found some cereal and decided to make me some. I grabbed a bowl then grabbed the milk and poured me a bowl. After I got done, I put everything back then sat at the table and started eating. I hardly eat in the mornings, but it was better to eat something than nothing at all.

I got done then took my bowl to the sink and washed it. After I got done, I decided it was time to start cleaning the house. I needed to start on the living room because that was the worst part out of the whole house. It seemed like Sofia only liked to mess up the living room.

I grabbed a trash bag and started throwing everything away. I grabbed all the cans and empty containers of whatever and threw them all away. It was starting to look better and I was happy. I seriously hate a dirty house.

As I was getting done, I heard a knock on the door and I stopped what I was doing. I listened again in case I was imagining it, but I heard another knock. I started panicking, but realized that if it was Sofia, she would come right in. The door wasn't locked, so she wouldn't knock.

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