Chapter 25: Major Comeback

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I was nervous about going to see Sofia. Ever since she left for rehab she hasn't called or anything, but now that Miss Jauregui told me that she wanted me to come visit her, I was nervous.

I was still a little skeptical about her because she chose to change when I became a threat to her drug dealers. I'm not sure if she earns the sister award.

Right now, I was in the parking lot with Dinah and Miss Jauregui. After she told me the news, she wanted to be the one to take me, then Dinah butted in and told me that she was be glad to take me, then that got them arguing back and forth about it.

Ok, so they weren't really arguing but it was close.

"Dinah Jane, I'm glad to see you care so much and you want to be the one to take her, but she needs an adult there, not another teenager," Miss Jauregui stopped in front of her car as Dinah was next to me, and of course, I was stuck in the middle.

I looked over at Dinah as she looked back at me, "What do you want to do? It is your sister," she watched as she waited for an answer.

I looked back at Miss Jauregui as she was standing there with her arms crossed. I hate being stuck in the middle of an agreement because I never want to choose a side.

I want to pick Dinah because she knows more about Sofia than Miss Jauregui because I haven't told her about her abusing me, and I'd like to keep it that way.

As for Miss Jauregui, why is she even agreeing to take me? Better yet, be around me? Isn't she the one who told me to basically forget about our feelings and to not have contact?

There she goes again with the string pulling of my heart and mind.

But then again, Miss Jauregui does have a point about an adult being there. I don't think they would allow two teenagers together in a rehab center, and plus, Dinah isn't related to her, so would they let her go in?

Miss Jauregui spoke, "Camila, you need to come on before it gets too late," she walked to the driver side of her car and waited for me to follow.

I looked at Dinah and she nodded, "Just go. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me in anyways," she smiled at me then leaned to me, "Plus, it'll give you alone time with Miss Jauregui so you and her could talk about things," she leaned back and smiled at me.

I watched as she waved bye then walked to her car. I sighed then proceeded to walk to the passenger side of Miss Jauregui's car.

I didn't know what was going to happen but I sure as hell didn't want to be anywhere near Miss Jauregui at the moment. I'm still healing and she has no idea what she's doing to me.

She just keeps stringing me along.


The ride there was silent. None of us knew what to say and frankly, I didn't want to say anything to her. She has no idea how confused she's making me and she doesn't even give a shit.

It took about an hour to get there, and we haven't said a word to each other the whole ride. Which I'm glad, because I don't want to speak to her. I have nothing to say anyways.

We pulled up at a big building and it didn't even look like a rehab center. It looked like an old factory building with a lot of useless shit inside that's been left for years.

Miss Jauregui shut the car off and I looked over at her. She was looking through her purse and I hope she wasn't planning on walking inside with me. She doesn't have a reason to anyway because this is my sister that I'm visiting, not hers.

Mrs. Jauregui (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now