Chapter 30 - Mean movies & elegant earrings

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The usual smell of fresh cooked breakfast wafted into my room around 7 in the morning, waking me up before Jace even had the chance too. I pulled on a pair of yoga pants and wandered out to find Louis and Jace cooking biscuits in the kitchen.

"Oh my god, she's actually awake on time," Jace fake gasped.

"It's the miracle of all miracles!" Louis giggled. At my non-amused stare, they both stopped laughing and Louis handed me a glass of fresh orange juice with a smirk. "For you, princess."

I rolled my eyes and pulled myself up into the counter, sipping my orange juice and waiting for the biscuits to finish cooking. Louis was fawning over Jace the entire time, brushing his hair to the side and pouring him more coffee and picking lint off of his sweater. A pang of jealously shot through me at the thought that Harry would never be like that.

We ate breakfast quickly and dressed before heading out the door with our usual second cups of coffee. Louis walked walked us halfway to work before he branched off to return to his apartment for the day, blowing kisses over his shoulder and promises to see us later.

"He adores you," I pointed out as soon as he was out of earshot. Jace smiled fondly at his receding figure and nodded in love-struck agreement.


"Are you seeing him tonight?"

"Probably. Are you seeing Harry tonight?"

I let out a small scoff as we stepped into the building. "Who knows?"

"Norah," Jace said quietly. I could hear the hesitance in his voice and I looked up. "Are you okay?"


"You look kind of like, tired. I don't know. You look really stressed."

"I'm fine," I grumbled.

I chose to ignore his unsure stare as we pressed the button for the third floor where our new and improved office was located, both of us buzzing with excitement for our first real day as employees, not just interns. Sophia was already filing things away when we walked in to the bright room.

She turned around with a smile and held up a document. "Victoria wants you two to read this, edit it, and make it more creative. Find some good pictures to go with it in the article. Also, that scary dude from yesterday called."

"Harry?" I asked weakly.

"Yep, he said he's going to cal back in a few minutes."

"Great," I grumbled, collapsing into one of our chairs and taking the paper file from her pale hands. It was something Alice had written that was probably already perfect. Jace sat down beside me with his own copy and we began reading as Sophia flitted around us doing various jobs.

Ideas for the editorial were already forming as I read through the well-written pages with a coffee in one hand and a pen in the other, taking notes in the margins and circling things that didn't sound quite right. Our coffees were replaced by the ever-helpful Sophia as soon as they were finished.

Then the phone rang. My stomach dropped as I watched the intern start towards it, blue eyes focused on me the entire time as she raised the phone to her ear and took a deep breath before answering it.

"Jace and Norah's office. Yes, she's here. Please hold Mr. Styles," She said sweetly, pressing the hold button and glancing up to me. "Do you want to talk to him?"

I stared at the wall and considered my options. I could continue to ignore him, and have him probably show up at the office uninvited and piss him off more, or I could talk to him now and get it over with.

Suit & Tie (Harry Styles au) [REPOSTED]Where stories live. Discover now