Chapter 14 - Possible promotion & spilled yogurt

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I sipped on my third cup of coffee today and immediately spit it out. It had already gone cold without me even noticing. I was buried in my work, multiple portfolios to go through and I had to find a site for one of our fall photo shoots.

My phone buzzed for what seemed to be the hundredth time. I swear it was mocking me. This time I actually picked it up, on the excuse that I needed a break, and ran immediately to Jace's office, stumbling slightly over my chunky black heels.

"Shit Norah!" He squeaked as I entered, jumping out of his chair. "You scared me! What's wrong?"

I held out my phone, frantically waving it in front of his face. "Take my phone! Take it, he's so annoying Jace and I want to text him back! Please just take it!"

Jace smiled slightly and pulled the phone out of my grasp. I watched his face as he scrolled through the texts messages, mouth open in surprise.

From: Unknown, yesterday 9:18- Norah. x

From: Unknown, yesterday 9:37- I would like to see you soon.

From: Unknown, 10:56- Dinner tonight. I will pick you up at 7. x

From: Unknown, 11:01- Norah.

From: Unknown, 12:10- Norah, answer me. Now.

From: Unknown, 12:56- Are you okay? x

From: Unknown, 1:37- If you are ignoring me, that is very immature. Answer me. Now.

After a minute Jace handed me the phone back with an amused smile playing at the corner of his small pink lips. I stood with arms crossed and stared at him helplessly. He cocked his head to the side.

"Well, I think he wants you to text him back..." He giggled.

"Oh fuck off, Jace!" I groaned, collapsing into his chair and spinning around in the swirly chair. I wanted one of these in my office, but knew I would be distracted by it too often. I twirled around once more until I was facing him again. "Take my phone away so I won't text him back. I have no self control."

I shoved the device back in his face and he took it with a sigh, placing it in one of his desks drawers. "Why don't you just ask him I explain?"

"What's there to explain?" I scoffed. "He's hypocritical, and I'm not going to be sucked into his world."

"You should have at least fuck-"


"Sorry," He giggled with a sheepish smile. "But on a more serious note, why don't you just text him and tell him to leave you alone?"

I rolled my eyes and dropped my head back against the chair. "Have you even met the man? He's not going to leave me alone. He seems like he always gets what he wants. If I text him or whatever, I'll fall back into the hole. Not doing it."

"Maybe him and Cara were just talking? Maybe they're business associates."

"Maybe they were just talking," I mimicked in his tone. He narrowed his eyes and stood up off the desk. "Really Jace, we both know they weren't just talking"

He shrugged as he pointed to his door. "Maybe, Norah. Now get out, I have work to do."

"You're the worst best friend ever," I grumbled, giving him a light peck on the cheek as I walked out. "And feel free to flush my phone down the toilet or whatever."

I walked to the break room and filled up another cup of coffee before going back to my office. The day was passing painstakingly slow, each minute ticking by slower and slower. It was like this yesterday too, as I sat and stared at my phone (or the texts from Harry) and failed to get any work done.

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