Chapter 35 - Monopoly money & delivery drama

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My phone ringing woke me from my slumber. I fumbled around for it helplessly until my fingers latched onto it's cool surface and somehow managed to press the speaker button. The light shone into my eyes, causing me to wince at its brightness as I answered.

"Hello?" I mumbled groggily.


Harry's chill voice caused me to drop the phone. I was suddenly ripped out of my sleepy, hungover state as I searched my sheets for the phone, until I pulled it out with a triumphant grin. "H-Harry?"

"You did not text me when you were home," He said coldly. "And you would not answer your phone. I didn't know if you were safe until Jace finally answered."

"Well, you see, that was because I may have fallen asleep in the car and Louis maybe had to carry me up the stairs. I was kind of tired."

There was a huff on the other side of the line that caused me to flinch. "And I was worried sick that you had been hurt at the game."

"Well, I wasn't. If you had stayed then you would have known that," I spit back.

"I had to work, Norah. I thought you understood that."

"Yeah, yeah," I groaned. "Sorry. I'm just hungover and annoyed."

"Are you not going to work?"

"I used a vacation day," I mumbled. "Not really feeling the whole work thing. You know, hungover and all that."

"Great. I will be there in twenty minutes. See you soon, Norah."

As usual, he hung up before I could respond, leaving me to throw my phone across the room in annoyance before scrambling out of bed and towards the shower. I stepped in before it was even warm, due to the fact that Harry would be here at any minute and I most definitely did not want to be caught in the shower.

The cold water caused goosebumps to rise on my skin, much in the way Harry's fingers did. They were both shocking and unexpected, but at the same time refreshing and exactly the sort of thing I needed. By the time time shower was warm, I was wide awake and already felt better.

When I was finished, I quickly threw on an oversize sweater, grabbed my teddy bear, and ran towards the kitchen with the hope that Jace had left some breakfast in the microwave for me to heat up. My expectations were met with a little note.

Dear My Hungover Best Friend,

Pancakes in microwave. Coffee ready to start. Advil in top right cabinets. Louis still in my bed (he has work at 11, don't let him fool you). xox

Love, Your Wide Awake and Startlingly Attractive Best Friend

The note was complete with a few messy hearts by his signature. I started the microwave and coffee, took a few Advil, then headed to Jace's room to wake his boyfriend, who at this point might as well move in with us.

I jumped into the bed with him and slipped under the covers. Louis mumbled something about work sleepily and wrapped his arm around me, tugging me into his sweater-clad chest. Happily accepting the cuddle, I nuzzled back against him with a sigh.

"Louis," I cooed. "It's, like, 10 in the morning. Do you need to get up?"

"Don't wanna," He groaned.

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