Chapter 37 - Nostalgic nickname & tracing thumbs

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Considering Harry hadn't slept in almost a full day, I wasn't surprised when I woke a few hours later to find him wrapped around me completely asleep. He breath was coming out in soft little huffs against the back of my neck, which was what woke me in the first place.

I slowly turned myself around in his arms so that I was facing him, receiving light grumbles, but nothing enough to pull him out of his slumber. He looked different when he was asleep; no lines of stress tainted his face, his lips weren't pursed, and his eyebrows weren't furrowed in that cute little way he had.

My amusement came in the form of running my hands through his curls uninhibited. And although I could probably play with his hair all day, the sounds of pots clanking in the kitchen made me stumble out of bed and out of my room, pulling his button down shirt over my head as I left.

"What are you cooking?" I mumbled sleepily as I stepped into the kitchen, where the sight of Louis in the pink chefs apron greeted me. "And is Jace here?"

"Rosemary chicken. And he will be soon," Louis replied. I poured us each a glass of wine to sip on as we talked, and by the time the food was ready, he had told me about his entire day at he theatre and Jace was slipping through the door right in time for dinner.

He scrambled into the kitchen, wrapping his arm around his boyfriends waist in greeting before turning to me. When he did, his mouth dropped open and his eyes went wide. He was on me in a second, tugging at the collar of my borrowed shirt and letting out little gasps.

"You're fucking glowing, Norah. You even smell like sex," He accused. "You totally broke your dry spell. Which is hilarious, considering who I ran into today."

"God, is it that hard to believe that I am, in fact, capable of being sexually active?" I huffed.

"I do tend to question it sometimes. Now tell me everything."

"You tell me who you ran into today."

There were shouts of protests around the kitchen about who should tell their story first. As usual, we handled it in the most adult way we could possibly think of; rock, paper, scissors. After an intense battle that was only fuelled by Louis' competitiveness, Jace came out as the winner and I spoke first.

"Fine. I'm pretty sure you cheated, but I'll start anyways," I hissed. "We were playing monopoly, and then we got Chinese food. So he got really jealous and kind of freaked out..and it just kind of happened. It was nice."


I narrowed my eyes. "Every single inch of that man is a ten. I'm not elaborating any further, you nosy little fucks. You speak."

Jace sipped his wine in an attempt to drag out my wait. But, after I reached forward and twisted his nipple through his button down, he gave in with a girlish shriek, ducked behind Louis to protect himself from my wrath, began to speak.

"Well, you see..." He started slowly, wrapping his arms around his boyfriends waist and pulling him further away from me. "Now that I know what happened with you today, it doesn't seem to really be the brightest idea I've ever had."


His voice dropped to a whisper as he glanced around the room. "Is Harry still here?"

"Yes? He's asleep though," I responded with furrowed eyebrows. "What did you do?"

"Fuck. Well, uh, it's kind of ironic, looking back," He tittered nervously. "Seeing as you broke your dry spell, and I just happened to run into Liam while I was out for coffee...and maybe invited him to dinner tonight?"

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