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I growled at
the sound of my alarm and quickly switched it off. This is torture I thought as I swung my legs out of bed

Today I had to wake up extra early because it was my first day of work and I didn't wanna be late.
I went for a job interview 2 weeks ago for assistant manager at SH enterprises and I was accepted.

I still didn't meet my boss because he apparently went for a business trip so his assistant interviewed me.

What if he's rude, what if I get fired on the first week.

I should stop being negative some times.

After taking a warm bath, I tied my hair into a messy yet appropriate bun. I slipped on a blouse and a black pencil skirt and topped everything of with a sweater and brown pumps.

I'm not a fashion killer, I'm simple, boring and quiet... Yep that's Bridgit Taylor for you.

I left a note under Debby's pillow telling her that I'm off to work. She's a deep sleeper so trying to wake her up would be an endless process.

I went to the bus stop where I waited for the bus which would be here in about 15 minutes. It was 7 am sharp so I had an hour to spare.

The bus finally came and I immediately got off at the next stop, so I had to walk from there.
I got into the building which I'm proud to say it's my workplace because it's so huge and beautiful.

"Uhm Good morning, I'm Bridgit Taylor and I'm a new employee here". I nervously spoke to the red haired woman who I guess is the receptionist.

She said nothing and began to type fast. How rude, at least she could greet me back.

"Assistant manager?" She finally verbalised.

"Yes", I agreed. She began to type again. I was getting annoyed now, I mean what is there to type?

"Please follow me", she said as she stood up from her chair. I began to compare our outfits feeling discouraged.

She was dressed in a black suit with velvet stilettos. I sighed softly as I followed her into the elevator. We got to the 22nd floor and she led me to my office... I think

"Here, this is your office. The manager's office is two floors above you and the boss' is eight floors above you", she said giving me the keys.

"Thanks", I mumbled and she immediately left. She would have kindly at least said 'welcome'.

I'm starting to hate her, but I really shouldn't. I hate creating tension with people.

I opened the door to my office and my eyes widened the moment I saw it. It was amazing and big enough.

I dropped my purse on the table and took a minute to admire my new office before switching on the computer on as I sat down in my chair.

Work feels good.

"Hi", a female voice spoke and I turned to look. A brunette was standing at my office door way.

"Oh hey, how are you?" I greeted her. She seemed kind to me.

"Great, I'm Jolie - Jolie Harris", she said as she walked in.

"Nice to meet you Jolie,my name is Bridgit Taylor", I introduced myself. She gave me a bright smile.

"I came to drop this and our manager went to Britain for business matters so you will have to do extra work to cover up for her as her assistant", she explained

"No problem", I politely replied

"If you need anything I'm just next door", she assured me before she left.

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