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I finally got to my apartment with tears running down my face.

Why was Mr Hudson so mean to me.

"Hey, don't worry honey", Debby tried comforting me after I told her everything. "He will regret for making such a sweet girl like you cry."

"I think I'll just go to bed", I sobbed giving Debby a deep hug.

I went straight to bed and I still had Mr Hudson stuck in my mind. I knew there's nothing I could do about him being rude to me because I need the job and I can't afford to get fired.


I woke up the next morning and looked at myself in the mirror noticing my red puffy eyes because of all the crying last night.

I took a bath and my eyes where still puffy.

I decided to cut my front hair to make a fringe and tied the rest into a ponytail. I wore a plain brown jumpsuit and a sweater with black pumps.

I wasn't in the mood for breakfast, so I went straight to the bus stop and caught the bus.

I was early and I think I'll keep it that way to avoid trouble with Mr Hudson.

I at last arrived at work and greeted a few people on my way to my office. I sat in my chair and put my face in my hands.
'I'm such a wreck', I told myself.

Suddenly my telephone rang which made me flinch and I slowly picked it up.
"SH Enterprises, how may I help you?", I professionally answered the call.

"Come to my office", a familiar voice spoke. Obviously it was Mr Hudson because his tone is always harsh.

Besides it's not even time yet, there's like an hour for work to start.

I went up to 'his floor'.Since his office was the only one on that floor so it's basically his.

This time I knocked, I didn't want to see any 'unpleasant scene' if I may put it that way.

"Come in", his voice was gentle this time. I entered and I could feel my knees weak because of fear as I walked to his table.

"Good morning sir", I broke the silence. He didn't say a word, he never greets back, but got up from his chair and walked towards me.

His manly cologne was amazing and I felt the heat radiating from his body.

He was too close and I was getting uncomfortable.

Snap out of it!

"We will be going to California tomorrow for two days", he has got to be kidding me.

This is my second day of work and I'm already going for trips plus this is short notice.

"Uhm... ", Is all I said. I stopped when he held my chin at lifted my face.

"What's the matter Ms Taylor?" He asked in a concerned tone. I couldn't think straight. I was confused at first. Why is he asking me this? Does he even care?

"Nothing, I'm fine sir", I can't believe he noticed that I was crying, but I couldn't tell him that I was crying because of how he treats me, that would be unprofessional.

"Don't lie to me, tell me what's wrong?" He was now getting furious.

"I have personal problems sir", I replied. He removed his hand from my chin.

"Which are?" He questioned. Come on, I just informed him that they are PERSONAL.

"It's private sir", I felt like I was taking some sort of risk when I told him this.

"Does it look like I care?" He moved closer to me. My legs were numb and I wanted to look down badly but I couldn't cause I knew it would make him furious.

I stepped back when he moved closer until I could feel his desk against me. I noticed my breathing was uneven.

The door opened.
"Yoh bro, am I disturbing something?" The guy who walked in asked. I was so relieved, this was my only chance to escape.

"No, Ms Taylor was about to leave", Mr Hudson said stepping back and I left immediately. Mr Hudson made me feel so small when stood close to me.

He had a little effect on me. I can't really fathom what it could be.

Urg no I'm just being stupid and unnecessary

"Come on Bridgit, he's your freaking boss, don't even think of developing feelings for him', my conscious told me, and they were right.

He is a good looking man but he's a jerk.

I can't have feelings for Mr Hudson, it won't anyways work out. He probably only dates hot models and I don't see myself in that list.

Jolie came by and gave me a whole bunch of paper work to complete. I had to skip lunch today and I so was exhausted.

Sometimes I wonder if Mr Hudson has a personal assistant. If he does, that person must be dead sick of his attitude.

If I had the confidence, I would tell him to treat me with respect and not like piece of trash.

But I obviously can't. This man a monster.

After I finished doing the paperwork, I told Sarah to take them to Mr. Hudson for me because
number 1. I didn't want to see him after what happened

number 2. I had other things to attend to. I had to go supervise the three new employees who only started working today and attend to them and make sure they were doing the right thing.

I know that this is my second day of work but I already adopted to the environment and it's my job. Besides that, I just really love my job already.

I was done with everything for today and there were only a few minutes for me to knock off.
An email appeared on my computer and my heart began to race.

Sebastian Hudson: "I want you in my office now".


Not again. I was hoping not see him. Why does this have to happen to me. I was so close to leaving without seeing his face.

I reluctantly took the elevator and went up to his floor.

'Act cool, don't panic', My conscious tried relaxing me, but it didn't seem to work.

I knocked on the wooden door.
"Come in", I heard his voice. I took a deep breath before entering his office.

"You wanted to see me",I spoke

"Yes I did, to inform you that we will leaving for Seattle tomorrow at 8 a.m. and we'll take our flight to California from there".

I nodded to show that I understood. "Is that all sir?" I asked.
"Yes, that's all Ms Taylor", he mumbled, looking straight at me. Without hesitation I left his office.
It was a bit rude of me to just walk out on him like that but I don't regret doing it.

I got to my apartment and began packing straight away. Debby was having a night shift so I was home alone.

I only had one thing on my mind...

Mr Hudson.

I just can't stop thinking about him, he's so ruthless and mean.

I went to bed after I finished doing everything and I could still see him in my mind.

I wonder what it would be like to travel him.


Hey guys. Hoped u liked this chapter.
Love u guys

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