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Debby and I went to the mall the next morning.
We strolled around trying to find the shops with the best clothes for official wear.

She kept on picking out short dresses for me.

"I don't wear short stuff, you know that", I folded my arms across my chest.

"Who said you couldn't try at least one", she said pouting.

I knew this would happen

"Fine, but only that one", I pointed at the one she had in her hands.

"Sure", she smiled and threw it in the cart. Debby is crazy but she has the best sense of fashion.

She picked out all my clothes and shoes which I later on regretted because she believed in 'looking sexy' which I don't really consider when it comes to my fashion.

I guess my whole wardrobe just changed in a day.

Debby and I decided to have a girls night out after shopping. We bought outfits just for tonight for fun.

So we went back to our apartment to freshen up and get dressed.

"So where are we going?" I asked. We were now catching a cab. She just smiled at me.

A cab pulled up in front of us.
"DC9 nightclub", she told the driver and got in and I had no idea why I froze.


"Bridgit, come on", she said and I hopped in.

"We're going to a-a club?" I asked knowing the answer already.

"You're gonna love it", she chuckled.

I've never been to a club before and it was already getting dark.
I just need to loosen up and enjoy myself, but I'm not gonna get drunk. I hate alcohol, just the smell of it.

We arrived at the club and it was crowded and rowdy even on the outside.

Debby pulled my hand, passing through the noisy crowd and we finally got inside.
The music was loud and it was so misty.

"You want a drink!" Debby shouted because it was so loud.
"Yeah, I'll have water!" I replied.

We went to the bar tender.
"What would you like, beautiful ladies", the bar tender looked at me intently.

"I'll have three shots of any type of whiskey", Debby seemed to be enjoying herself already.

"I'll have wa..."

"She'll have wine", Debby cut me off and I saw her wink at the bar tender.

"What?!, I don't drink", I said to her.

"Come on, try it out.. Please", she pouted "It's just wine Bridgit, no biggie."

There she goes again

I sighed in defeat.
In no time Debby downed two shots and my eyes widened.
I took a sip of my wine and it burned my throat.

This is some strong wine.

I don't think I'll finish this glass, but I drank halfway just to make Debby happy.

I'm sure she was a little drunk after she downed her last shot.

Out of no where a guy came behind Debby, creeping his hands around her waist. I saw him whisper in her ear and she giggled.

What should I do. I know she's drunk and she's being touched by a stranger.

"Uhm, she's drunk and....", I approached the stranger but was cut off by Debby

"Hey Bridgit, I'll be back", she said and they got lost in the crowd.

I can't believe what just happened

"Hey", I heard a voice next to me. I turned to look and saw that a guy was talking to me.

"Oh hi", I kindly replied. He seemed to be a cool person.

"You alone?" He asked

"No, I came with a friend", I said looking around for Debby
and my eyes stopped as I saw some sort of VIP lounge upstairs.

My heart sank when I saw Mr Hudson making out with a girl.

Why is he here. What is he doing here?

I felt a pinch in my stomach as I saw him touch her..

Just like how he did it to me.

"What's the matter?" the guy asked and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, nothing", I forced on a smile.

"My name is Mason by the way", he said looking straight in my eyes so I looked down trying to avoid his gaze.

But I finally got the courage to look back up. "I'm Bridgit, nice to meet you Mason", I smiled at him.

"You have a beautiful smile", he complemented. I knew I was flushing scarlet.

"Thanks", I shyly said.

"You want a drink?" He asked.

"No thanks, I just had one", I said looking at my not- empty glass

"Come on, just one", he raised one of his well framed eyebrows.
I smiled at him and nodded agreeing to have a drink.

The bar tender gave me a glass with who knows what.
But I didn't see Mason talk to the bar tender.

That was odd

I took a sip and goodness my chest was burning. He looked at me, his eyes telling me to drink more.

I drank more just to compansate for him buying me a drink.
"Was it that bad?", he asked with a smirk.

"No", I simply said and I already began to feel dizzy. That was fast

Oh no

"Mason, I gotta go to the bathroom", I said and I stood up.
Just before I could walk further, my arm was pulled back.


"Mason I need....", I was cut of by a kiss on my neck.
"Mason stop", I tried pushing him away but he didn't seem to be affected.

"Shhhh, don't fight me", he whispered in my ear.
He continued kissing my jaw line.

I wasn't liking this and I don't even know him.
I wasn't thinking straight.

Maybe he spiked my drink to get me drunk.

"Please...", I tried getting him off me but he didn't. I was getting weaker by the second.

Next thing I know I'm being dragged away from Mason.

At last someone came to save me.

I heard shouts and punches.

Where people fighting?

I then felt arms picking me up and everything went blank.


Hey guys hope you enjoyed.
Keep the comments and votes coming. They encourage me.

Love you guys

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