Walter took me back home after my session with the doctor. I couldn't believe I was pregnant. There's a reason for me to be happy and one for me not to be. I have always dreamt of having a child... a family, but in my case the father of my baby doesn't love me and it seems like my future would be without him.I'm so in love with Sebastian that it hurts. He has put me in a trap and now I can't escape from it. Everytime I see him, my heart beat quickens. When he touches me, my brain doesn't think straight and his voice creeps inside my head even when he's not here.
I was planning on calling Debby to inform her about the news but I quickly remembered that Sebastian would find out. My life is an open book to him, I can't even make private phone calls because he'll know of them and the whole conversation.
I went to the kitchen and made myself food so I could take the medicine the doctor prescribed for me. I was already starting to get better, the sickness was much worse when I had woken up.
My phone suddenly rang and I jolted when I read 'Sebastian' on the screen.
Why would he be calling
I picked up.
"How are you feeling?" he asked and I was surprised he cared how I felt.
"I feel better, thanks",
"I called the doctor and he said you just had a little infection",
"Yeah that's right", I said and I was so relieved that the doctor kept the promise of not telling Sebastian I was pregnant.
"And he also said you'll be going for check ups... I don't know for what if it's just an infection", his voice was written 'annoyed' all over it
"Yeah, maybe to make sure it's curing", I was so nervous.
"I guess so, but I'll be coming with you for your check ups"
No no no, you can't come with me... oh my gosh
"No it's fine, I can go alone", I implied
"What I say is final and I hope you are not hiding or lying to me about something", he growled. He's going to find out, but I couldn't let him. Not now at least.
"No I'm not lying about anything", I lied. Biggest lie of my life.
"You know I hate it when you lie to me", he said.
Wait! What? Don't tell me he knows I'm lying
"But I believe it was just a little infection. I'll be coming home late today",
Thank God he still thinks it's an infection
"Sure", I said and hung up. I'm so going to be dead when he finds out I'm pregnant and I've been hiding it from him. Sebastian is smart and I don't think I'll keep the news to myself for long.
He will probably be so angry because he impregnated me and he doesn't love me one bit. What have I done to deserve this.
I needed to relax and just get things of my mind so I went for a swim. Sebastian wouldn't be home any time soon so this was the perfect time to go to the pool. I changed into my one piece swimming costume and carefully dipped in the water.
The water felt so good. I let my body float, my arms apart and the back of my head in the water.... I closed my eyes for what seemed like forever.
I suddenly began to hear footsteps coming nearer and I quickly got upright. My eyes searched around but didn't see anyone.
"You drifted off", I flinched at the voice from behind me. I slowly turned swaying through the mass of water and set my eyes on Sebastian who had a shirt only with rolled up sleeves and and his official pants showing that he just came from work. He looked perfect in everything he wore.
Snap out of it!!!
He stood almost on the edge of the pool looking straight at me.
He always sneaks up on me
"You scared me", I said as I reached my hand for the edges. He chuckled.
"You still like swimming?" He asked. I pulled myself out of the pool before I answered him.
What do you mean 'still'
"Yeah I do, I was a swimmer long back", I said as I grabbed a towel and dried my hair.
"I know that",
"How do you know?" I asked in a confused tone. He's got to be kidding me.
"I know everything about you, even your childhood"
I tried so hard to avoid my thoughts from going to the bad incidents of my past... my childhood with a mother who never loved me.
"Are you some sort of stalker?" I asked in a joking manner.
"Yes I am, and I only stalk you", he replied, his eyes never leaving mine. I didn't know what to say and I could feel my cheeks hot. I broke our eye contact but he didn't bother to look away.
I walked over to where he was to get my flip flops that were just next to his feet.
"Why would you stalk me, there's nothing interesting about my life. I mean look at me", I said as I returned back up to look at him.
"I am looking at you Bridgit", his hand reached for my waist and pulled me closer to him. His fingers moved a strand of hair behind my ear.
I'm so in love with you Sebastian
"I never take my eyes off you", his voice was stern and I felt like melting.
"Why?" Was all I uttered. It just slipped out of my mouth.
"I'm addicted to you, my mind goes wild everytime I set my eyes on you", his grip tightened.
"I wanna kiss you so bad right now", he whispered in my ear "And rip off whatever you're wearing"
Please don't rip off my swimming costume
"Make love to you until you beg me stop", he began to place small kisses on my jaw line down to my neck.
"Own every inch of you", his words made me tremble. My mind was thinking about nothing but him. I felt him untie the strings of my swimming costume.
Oh my goodness he's undressing me.
The next thing I knew he was carrying me and we never broke the kiss. My legs were around his waist and he walked us I don't where to. He was all that was on my mind.
I heard the door close and he laid me down. The room was dark but all I could feel was his hands desperately roaming all over me and wet kisses on my the most delicate parts of my skin.
"Where have you been all my life", he groaned against my kiss
"Waiting for you Sebastian", I whispered.
"Look at what you are doing to me. I can't get you out of my head", his hands were slowly removing the little I was wearing.
Me too
"I'll bruise your lips, I swear to you I won't stop until your legs are shaking and the neighbours know my name".
Hey guys. Thanks for the votes and comments. They motivate me.
I love you guys soooooo much you have no idea.
I hope you liked this chapter

A Reason to love Him
Romance"Please, I beg you... Please don't", I pleaded and held his hand from continuing to pull down my underwear. Why is he doing this? Why is he torturing me? "Don't test me", he growled. ........ Sebastian Hudson is a man of power and every woman wishes...