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It was mornings like this one when Louis Tomlinson really found himself reflecting the past, presence, and future. Mornings when there seemed to be no silence, no time to even think because the house was so alive. Filled with loud squeals and giggles and the soft pitter-patter of bare feet across hardwood floors. A house with toys laid out all over the floor and the laundry room practically flooded with clothes that never got washed. Dirty dishes overflowing the sink and messy bedrooms that held beds with wrinkled sheets and cluttered nightstands. The house was practically a disaster, but Louis just couldn't find it in him to care.

He really did like the mess, as weird as that sounded. He liked to be reminded of what he had and what he had gone through to get it. He enjoyed having to step over the seemingly endless pile of shoes that laid at the front door. He liked the nights when everyone was in bed and he was left picking up the toys. He liked giving baths and warm cuddles and sloppy kisses. He liked small, clammy hands and finger paintings on the fridge. He wouldn't trade the life he had for anything in the world.

Even a morning like this one, when he was awoken at 6:30 in the morning to a blaring alarm clock, he enjoyed. Louis felt the body that was next to him shift and turn the alarm off, before it fell still again.

"Good morning, lovely." Came that deep, raspy morning voice that had Louis' heart pounding ever since he was a teenager. Louis smiled and rolled over, smiling at his simply gorgeous husband, Liam. Liam's hair was a mess and he was in desperate need of a shave but it was moments like this when Louis thought Liam couldn't get more beautiful.

"Good morning. Why don't you hop in the shower and I'll go wake the boys?" Louis offered, carting his fingers through his husband's unruly hair. Liam closed his eyes, humming in appreciation.

"Mmm, okay. But don't even think about getting out of this bed without a good morning kiss." Liam stated, opening his eyes once again. Louis grinned and leaned forward. He pressed a chaste kiss to Liam's awaiting lips. When he pulled away Liam let out a little whine and Louis chuckled.

"Louis." Liam complained, trying to pull Louis back in for more. Louis shook his head and got out of bed.

"You have to shower and I've got two boys to dress and feed." Louis said, throwing on a pair of sweats and putting his glasses on. Liam grumbled something incoherent and Louis walked out of the room. He made his way down the hall and opened the door quietly. His five year old son Harry laid in his small bed, soft puffs of air coming from his mouth. Louis sat down on the bed gently and started rubbing his eldest son's back.

Harry twitched a bit before he shifted, blinking tiredly a few times. He knew it was his Daddy rubbing his back, because his Daddy woke him up every morning like this, except on the weekends when it was usually the other way around. Harry shifted so he was laying on his back and he smiled lazily up at his Dad.

"Good morning Cupcake, are ready to wake up?" Louis asked in that soft, sweet voice that he reserved only for his children. Harry rubbed his eyes with small fists and nodded his head. Harry didn't like to talk much in the morning, only nodding or shaking his head to communicate. He didn't really say anything until an hour or so after he woke up. But that was okay, because no one in the Payne household was much of a morning person, except Liam that is.

"How about we go wake up your baby brother, yeah?" Louis said, a smile on his face. Harry smiled back and nodded eagerly, throwing off his Batman themed comforter that Liam so obviously picked out. Louis grabbed onto his son's small hand and the two of them walked to the door right across Liam and Louis' bedroom. Louis opened the door and was surprised to find his one year old son Niall standing up in his crib, gripping onto the side of it. As soon as Niall spotted Harry and Louis he started smiling and shaking his crib like a maniac.

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