Chapter 28: Oh Louis

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An extra long chapter for my extra lovely readers. (;

Chapter 28: Oh Louis

Louis was really starting to get annoyed. He got annoyed a lot recently, and he was taking it out on his whole entire family. He had snapped at Harry for wanting to cuddle. He kicked Liam out on the couch for not making the bed in the morning. He yelled at Niall for waking up early from his nap. He yelled at everyone for stupid reasons but no one got it as bad as Zayn did.

It seemed to be that anything Zayn did really pissed Louis off. If Zayn forgot to start the dishwasher, he was screamed at. If Zayn came home a minute past curfew, he was bitched at. If Zayn forgot to say good morning to Harry or Niall, World War III would start. Zayn was getting sick of the yelling too. He knew that Louis was stressed out. With Christmas and vacation coming so quickly Louis was about to lose his head. Zayn understood that at first. He understood that it was nothing personal, that Louis really didn’t mean it, but it still hurt nonetheless.

Finally, Zayn had enough of it.

One night after the family had eaten dinner, Zayn lost it. Zayn had put the dishes in the dishwasher and apparently a spoon wasn’t put in the right way.

“Why would you put a spoon in like that? Are you actually an idiot? How is it supposed to get clean if the spoon isn’t exposed, hmm?” Louis asked, placing his hands on his hips. Zayn turned around slowly, letting out a deep breath.

“What’s up your ass?” Zayn asked in a faux-calm way.

“Excuse me?” Louis asked in disbelief.

“What’s your fucking problem? All you do is fucking bitch at me and I am sick of hearing that loud ass mouth of yours complain all the time.” Zayn spat.

“And who the fuck are you to talk to me like that?” Louis said with a raised eyebrow. Liam stood at the counter nervously. He knew that he should probably take the boys away so they didn’t have to hear this but he had to be there in case things got really bad. Liam knew that things wouldn’t get violent, but Louis had a tendency to say harsh things. Louis had the capability to absolutely destroy someone with words. Liam would know, he’s experienced it before. He just didn’t want it happening to Zayn.

“You yell at me for the stupidest shit ever! It’s getting too hard to deal with and I’m finally saying something!” Zayn exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air dramatically.

“Don’t say anything at all! Maybe you just keep your mouth shut and actually do something right in your life and I wouldn’t have to yell at you!” Louis shot back.

“I do nothing wrong! None of us do anything wrong and you take all your anger out on us! Harry came to my room crying the other night! My room! He had a nightmare and didn’t want to come to you because he was afraid that you were going to scream at him. No fucking five year old should be afraid of that!” Zayn replied. Louis’ anger faltered for a moment, but it came back rushing to him like a tidal wave.

“Maybe he shouldn’t be a little bitch, and grow the fuck up!” Louis screamed, running a hand through his hair.

“Louis!” Liam exclaimed. Louis turned his head to see Harry’s bottom lip wobbling and his eyes filled with tears. Louis opened his mouth to apologize but was cut off when Harry let out a sob. Harry ran upstairs quickly, slamming his door shut.

“See! Honestly I don’t know what your problem is! Calling a five year old a bitch and making him cry is sick!” Zayn said.

“You will not talk to me like that! I am your parent, and you will not disrespect me!” Louis commanded. Zayn scoffed.

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