Chapter One

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Kaylee shot up with a gasp and she slammed her hand down on the alarm clock, needing to quiet it down. If she didn't, she'd be screwed and her father would wake up and then she'd get it. Once the alarm was quieted, she stopped and looked to the door, her pale green eyes wide but as the minutes passed, nothing happened. Her shoulders drooped as relief sang through her veins. 

"Time for school," she whispered to herself with a grimace. She pushed herself up from the mattress that was on the floor and sighed as her back cracked. She went to her box of clothes that she had yet to unpack and dug into it, looking for something to wear that wouldn't let her freeze in the cold, Wisconsin air. She found a pair of jeans that wouldn't be too tight and a long sleeve t-shirt before changing quickly, her eyes continuously going to the clock. She couldn't be late.

Once dressed she had to deal with the mess that was her hair. It was long, thick and wavy. But she refused to cut the brown locks. Her mother had always kept her hair long and so Kaylee decided to keep her hair long, too. She looked like her father in her face so she needed something to remind herself that she had her mother in her. Once her hair was in a loose braid over her shoulder, she was in the bathroom brushing her teeth, her eyes locked on her cheek. 

There was a bruise there from the night before that she had no way of hiding. Just another thing people would be able to talk about. She sighed and rinsed out her mouth before heading back to her room to slip on her shoes and jacket. When she left the room, she could hear movement from her father's room and her heartbeat rose a little bit. She rushed to the doorway where her book bag was and slipped one of the straps over her shoulder and opened the door before quietly closing the front door behind her. 

She rushed down the road and she could see the bus slowly stopping at the end of the street. Kaylee rushed up the steps then froze for a second when she saw all the eyes that were on her. 

"Deep breaths, Kay." She said to herself before stepping forward, reaching back to pull her hood up. 


"Oof!" Kaylee winced as someone bumped into her again. She knew she was small, but that was fourth time! Her eyes were narrowed in anger and her grip on her backpack strap was tight. She was only five feet two inches and many of the guys, and some of the girls, towered over her at about six feet plus. She wondered if there was something in the water in Wisconsin, and if it could help her. But then again, at seventeen, she was pretty much done growing.

She glanced down at the map in her hand was glanced at the lockers beside her and a smile took over her features when she saw she was close to her locker. She only had a few more to go. She made it to her locker and unlocked it slowly, having to continuously glance at the code on her class schedule sheet. Then a shadow went over her paper as she opened the locker and she glanced up and she saw three guys standing next to her and talking, but they hadn't noticed her yet.

"Yeah, I don't know Kevin's deal, we'll have to meet with them tonight and talk over--" 

"Dude, newbie." 

It was silent then and she glanced up as she was taking off her jacket to see all three of them staring at her. Her stomach clenched at how uncomfortable she was with the attention. But then the guy who had opened the locker stepped a little closer.

"Who are you?"

She looked at his face and his hazel eyes met hers for a moment, just enough for her to see his widened and his nostrils to flare before she lowered her face and turned to her locker.

"I'm Kaylee. I'm new." Was all she said as she unzipped her backpack. 

"Dude, did you just...?"


Then there was some laughter before some scuffling and she glanced over as she was gettting out some notebooks and pencils. The three were pushing each other and laughing. It was nice to see but made her a bit wary as she was concerned as she might get shoved her self. And she was right, as usual. She was shoved into her locker, her shoulder hitting the edge of her locker, dropping her stuff in the process.

A growl was heard and her eyes widened. Large hands grabbed her shoulders and she was turned before the guy with the hazel eyes was running his hand over her shoulder.

"Are you okay, Kaylee?" He asked, his eyes on his hand.

"I'm sorry!" One of the other guys said from behind. 

"Guys go bug someone else!" Hazel eyes said and after a minute the other two left. Kaylee was still wide eyed and she didn't know what to do. This guy was huge. Well over six feet, musceled, and very attractive; he had full lips that were in a frown, a straight nose and dark brown hair that was spiky and thick. But she was unsure if she told him to get away, he'd react violently or not. 

"Are you okay?" He repeated softly and Kaylee swallowed. 

"I'm fine." She whispered and then his eyes met hers before they went down to the bruise on her cheek. 

"What is that?" He spat. 

"N-nothing!" She said and this time she just reacted and yanked herself from his grip and bent down to grab the notebooks and pencil she had dropped when she was shoved. 

"That looks like someone hit you." The guy said over her. 

"I just walked into a door!" Kaylee said with a fake smile as she stood up and yanked her schedule out of her backpack before getting up and slamming her locker shut and walking away. The guy followed, of course. 

"Sure, a door." The guy said. Kaylee didn't respond. She just kept walking, her eyes on her schedule. He was right beside her, a constant shadow. She ignored him and found her first class, English and he stopped at the door. She just left him at the door, but she could feel his stare on the back of her neck. 

"See you later." He said quietly, but she still heard and she shook her head.

She had an odd feeling in her stomach that he wasn't going to leave her alone.


Hey, everyone! I'm redoing this and I'm liking it even more this time. This is short for the first chapter but the second chapter will be much longer, I promise. More characters will be introduced in the next chapter as well.

Please vote and comment to let me know what you think. 


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