Chapter Two

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Going through her morning classes wasn't all that bad. None of the teachers made her introduce herself, though they did make sure to figure out if she was in the room and that brought enough attention to her just like that. Now plenty of people knew her name. Awesome. She had always been on the lookout for Hazel Eyes while in the hallways, but she never saw him. She was thankful, but at the same time she found herself disappointed. 

Why? She couldn't tell you. She couldn't afford to have friends, much less have a boy be interested in her. She knew her father's rules:

No boys.

No friends.

Just school, then home. 

She was to stay in the background as much as possible and it had always been an easy thing to do at other schools. She had always been the loser, the one who would get good grades, the one who never supported the sports, or even the arts, she never stood up for herself. She always became the easy mark for those who liked to pick on others and hurt them. 

It was only a matter of time until people at this school realized they would be able to do so, too. 

"Hey, Kaylee, right?" A voice pulled her out of her thoughts and she looked up from the floor of the hallway to see another tall guy standing in front of her. He looked vaguely familiar. Then a light bulb clicked on in her mind. He was one of Hazel Eyes's friends. In fact, the two had similar features. They could have been brothers.

"Yes..." Kaylee answered, hugging her materials tighter to her chest. The guy looked tough, but he had a friendly smile on his face. 

"Tyler wanted me to invite you to sit with us at lunch. He couldn't come to you himself because he had to talk to a teacher about some homework." The guy said and Kaylee stared at him for a minute in shock. Was this a joke? A prank of some sort? This guy and Hazel Eyes, well Tyler now that she knew his name, were popular, they didn't associate with her kind.

"Look...." She trailed off softly, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh! I'm Andrew." He said and held out a hand. She paused for a beat before shaking it. That was the polite thing to do, after all.

"Look Andrew," Kaylee sighed, "I don't really know you guys and I'd prefer to spend lunch in the library actually. I'm not that hungry." Lie, she was starving. But the way the guy, Tyler, had been acting wasn't normal, and her reaction wasn't either. She needed space.

"Oh." Andrew said, his dark eyes wide in shock. "Right. Okay. Sure." He nodded his head slowly, bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck. 

"I'm sure you understand?" Kaylee asked, now feeling a little bad at his reaction. 

"Of course. I'll see you around Kaylee." He said and with a smile spun on his heel, then disappeared into the crowd that was slowly thinning. 

Kaylee's shoulders drooped as she relaxed and she continued down the hall to her locker where she grabbed her stuff for her afternoon classes before heading off to find the library. Her stomach growled, as if reminding her of her lie and she frowned. It wasn't like she had money to buy herself lunch, anyway. The money in her wallet was for groceries and if she didn't have enough for the week, her father would only beat her more than he already did. 

Her mood darkened even more as she opened the door to the library, keeping her head down as she passed the librarian who had her nose in some book. She headed into the aisles of books and found a table in a corner. She put her stuff down before she went to find a book close by. 

As she walked, Kaylee let her fingers trail along the spines of the book, a small smile on her lips. The library had a peaceful aura to it that she didn't have at home and it was calming. She liked it there. She paused at a mystery book before deciding to try it and headed back to her table but she paused when she saw a blonde sitting at the table. 

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