Chapter Three

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WARNING: scene of abuse in this chapter.

Kaylee was waiting for the bus, but from what it seemed from the others waiting, it wouldn't be there very quickly. The others she recognized from the bus were on their cellphones, one girl was reading a book on the ground and a boy was just staring off into space. She sighed and looked behind her and decided to sit on the railing that was lined up around the grass of the school. She pulled out her book and pulled her backpack over both shoulders, not caring if it didn't look "cool". 

Jumping up a little to get on the railing, she cursed her short height, hoping no one was watching her. She glanced around her but some people passed her, completely ignoring her. Good. She glanced over at the parking lot and, for some reason, her eyes were drawn to the big, black truck in the middle of the lot. She frowned, her fingers picking at the pages of her book. Why did she feel the need to stare at a truck? 

"Hi, new girl!" A huskier female voice chirped and Kaylee looked to her right to see a smiling redhead. 

"Hello," Kaylee said, smiling back almost automatically. The girl's smile was infectious and wide. Green eyes met green eyes and then a hand was thrust out. 

"Liliana Walters at your service! I hear your name is Kaylee?" The girl asked.

"Uh, yeah." Kaylee said and shook the girl's hand. 

"Nice to meet you. You can call me Lily, I really don't like being called Liliana because it reminds of when I'm in trouble and of my mom yelling my name." The girl rolled her eyes and even though it sent a pang of jealously through Kaylee of wanting her mom, she let out a giggle. 

"It's nice to meet you, too, Lily." Kaylee said, and found herself meaning it. Then she tilted her head. "How do you know my name?" 

"Oh, almost the whole school knows your name thanks to Evil Ally." Lily said with a shudder and Kaylee grimaced.


"Are you waiting for the bus? Because I can totally give you a ride." Lily said with a smile and Kaylee froze. Offering a ride was something a friend would do. What the hell was she doing? Making friends. Disobeying her father. God, if she showed up at the house in a car, he'd beat her quicker than she could say a prayer. 

"Oh--Uh, no thanks." Kaylee stuttered out and let her feet drop to the ground. She was a few inches shorter than Lily so she had to look up to talk to her. "The bus is fine with me. I don't want to be a burden." 

"Oh, it's no problem, really!" Lily said as the bus pulled up. Kaylee glanced from the redhead to the bus before making her decision. She felt bad as she liked Lily, but she couldn't anger her father. 

"I'd rather take the bus, thanks anyway!" Kaylee rushed out and ran to the bus, rushing past people to make it on. She got a seat on the opposite side so she wouldn't have to see Lily incase she hurt her feelings. She hated hurting peoples feelings. 

The bus sat there for a few minutes and Kaylee just stared out her window but then she saw Lily make her way towards the parking lot on her phone. Then someone ran up behind Lily that was tall and picked her up. Lily let out a yell and Kaylee jumped, her eyes wide and her heart pounded. Was Lily in trouble? Should she get off to help? But then the guy swung Lily around and she saw it was Andrew and the two were laughing. 

Kaylee relaxed in her seat when she saw Lily was okay. But then Andrew leaned down and kissed Lily and it made Kaylee feel... jealous? She frowned at the feeling and faced forward. Why would she feel jealous? Immediately a flash of Tyler went through her mind and she sighed. She still didn't get what was going on there. She pulled her hood up and opened her book, getting lost in the pages. 

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