Chapter 7

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Dominique Vestrovos

My eyes grew wide with astonishment at the scene that presented itself. I looked at my sister in annoyance and muttered, " You couldn't wait, could you.".

She looked up from the glass she was staring at and simply shrugged her shoulders...gestured towards the man beside her and raised her palms towards the seven heavens as though in supplication. I looked at Nathaniel and scowled.

" I would say it is a pleasure to see you after all these years of your self inflicted exile...but that would be a lie. A huge lie. And we do not lie.", was his smart greeting.

I couldn't hide the scoff that burst through my lips. It hadn't escaped me on how he stressed on the words that left his mouth. He sure could be an arrogant pig. 

I chose to ignore him and walked towards the poor girl who was currently floating midair. I took a step closer and tried to snap her back to reality...interfering with the spell Maria had placed on her. I cast the reversal spell and watched her body twitch and watched things go back to where it had all started.....

Winter 1593

The rain poured down on the pebbled trail...the dust stuck to the ground, slick and sticky. The sky was dark as death. Not a single sign of life was visible...for it was all hidden by the ancients

Nobody knew who they were. All anyone seemed to know was that they were the most powerful beings that walked the surface of earth. They kept their first castle hidden from everyone...supernatural and humane. No one could break the wards that kept it a secret. Many had tried and failed. For years...decades...centuries. All who tried, found themselves cursed to be doomed for eternity...Those who possessed the gift of immortality and treasured it were changed to mere mortals, destined to die a sudden unforeseen death. Those who chose to break rules to lose immortality were cursed to walk the planes of earth immortal...dying a slow painful death everyday only to be snatched from death's door.

Many a king, warrior, soldier and commoner had given into their vice. For legend had it that the first castle had secrets so powerful, they would make its master the most powerful creature to roam the earth. All those who gave in and tried to break in ended up living a life of pain. No one ever succeeded.

All but one. Said to be a descendant of the ancients...he chose to defy all warnings and proofs of the spell being real. Not a soul including the ancients knew how he had gotten past their spells and defences. He did the unimaginable...and entered the land of secrets. But even this ignorant creature couldn't escape the curse that followed. He may have had entered the castle but never was he able to find a way out. He was doomed to be stuck in a place that held secrets so horrid that even the ancients avoided visiting unless absolutely needed.

" So here we are Melinda, my love. This is where what you seek lays hidden. But are you sure you wish to go ahead with this. You know it is forbidden. It is hidden by the ancients. So there must have been a reason why they did so. I have heard terrible tales of how people have lost their lives trying to unmask it.", said the blonde haired man. He looked constipated at the mere thought of crossing the ancients.

" Those who fear death are the biggest cowards Rafael. And besides...I am here to settle a debt I owe somebody. And you do not have to worry so much about me. Your job here is done. Just point me to the spot and I can handle the rest.", was all the red haired temptress said to the words of warning her fellow companion threw at her.

" You see those trees right over there...about ten feet away from us. That is where you will find the actual path. But I wish you chose not to go through with this my lo...Arghhh...Mmmmyyy.."'were the last words Rafael ever spoke. For his love, Melinda Wanthroft had stabbed him with the only weapon that was able to kill his kind...the seekers.

Melinda Wanthroft simply chuckled and sheathed the dagger of the three eyes, aptly called Ainain. She stared at the corpse of what once used to be a handsome man. A just and honourable man. One had she met a few centuries ago she would have chosen as her companion. She sighed and looked at the spot he had pointed towards.

" Death is only the beginning sweet Rafael." 

You're The What?! (Book 1 of The Ancient Bloodlines series)Where stories live. Discover now