fifty four

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Jimin paced around his room nervously as he stared at his phone screen. Taehyung had just dm'ed him his number, now all he had to do was call.

"Call it." He scolded himself before groaning and flopping onto his bed behind him. "Why would you ask for his number if you're too much of a wimp to call?! Just call it!"

Before he could convince himself otherwise, he opened up the new contact and pressed the magical green button.

"Hello?" A surprisingly deep voice answered. Jimin gulped.

"H-hey, Tae... It's Jimin."

"Wow, I'm finally hearing your voice." Taehyung chuckled. "It's nice."

"Thanks, so is yours... Honestly, I wasn't expecting you to sound like this at all though. I guess Namjoon really wasn't kidding when he said your voice was deep."

"So you like what you hear?" Jimin could practically hear the younger smirk cockily from the other line, even if that weren't possible. He rolled his eyes. Yep, his personality definitely still checks out in reality.

"I was hoping you'd be different in real life." Jimin teased. "Sounds like you're the same though! How disappointing."

"And I was hoping you wouldn't be as mean in real life, but guess I was wrong!"

"Oh shut up, you love me."

It was silent for a moment, and Jimin chewed on his bottom lip worriedly. Maybe he shouldn't of said that...?

"Yeah, whatever." Taehyung chuckled after a moment, and Jimin sighed in relief. "I guess I'll tolerate your teasing for just a little while longer."

"Oh really? And why is that?"

"Maybe if I wait long enough you'll finally trust me enough to meet up. And yeah, I know what you're gonna say already, you're not ready yet." The older brunette blushed, staring at the floor in slight guilt. "But there's no rush! I don't mind waiting."

"Why do you want to meet me so bad...?" Jimin questioned with a frown. It's not like it was a bad thing, but Taehyung seemed so eager. Jimin couldn't wrap his head around the reason. Was it really that important?

"...I'll tell you, but just don't laugh. Got it?"

"O-okay. Got it..."

"Good. Well, to be blunt, besides Jungkook, you're my only real friend."

"What are you talking about?" Jimin raised a brow in surprise. "That can't be true. What about Yaya, and that bambi guy that always comments on your stuff? And my friends are your friends now too, right?"

"Well yeah, I guess you're right about that. But to be honest... Me and Yaya are distant, no matter how close she acts towards me in the comments, and I'm not even that much acquainted with BamBam, which is that bambi guy you mentioned. We're just mutuals! You're the first person I've connected to so easily in a long time. That's why I consider you my only friend. At the moment, at least, since it's true I have been growing fond of everyone in the group chat." Taehyung laughed nervously as he finished. Jimin smiled in admiration.

Taehyung really was sweet, even if he didn't like to show it often. He really was someone Jimin could trust.

Wait. He suddenly realized. I trust him.

"A-ah... I see! Sorry, I know this is sudden but I have to go. I'll call you back later!"

"Oh? But–" He quickly hung up before the younger could finish his sentence. Jimin's eyes widened in panic.

"Why did I just screw that up?!" He shouted loudly, throwing his phone across the room and (thankfully) onto the love seat in the corner. "You should've just asked him then, idiot!"

"Jimin, please stop talking to yourself!" A new voice whined from the bedroom next to his. "I'm trying to sleep!"

Jimin grimaced. "I-I'm sorry, Seokjin hyung! I'll shut up now!"

"Thank god..." He heard the older mutter heavily. He couldn't help but quietly giggle at his hyung's reaction.

Jimin contemplated his mistake for the rest of the night, the worry that he had offended Taehyung keeping him from a proper night's sleep.

pen15 | vmin (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now