sixty six

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It's gonna be okay.

Nothing to be nervous about.

It's just a party for Jungkookie. Nothing more nothing less.

Nothing more...

"Oh who am I kidding?" Jimin mutters into the palms of his hands, not moving from his position of despair. "I'm gonna embarrass myself in front of him. My life is over..."

Hoseok stares at the younger in amusement from Jungkook's bed. "You're a freak."

Jimin's head pops up in order to send his hyung a glare. "Don't you judge me! You act the same way around Yoongi!"

"Everyone acts that way around Yoongi, Chim. If we don't he'll rip our hearts out. But there's nothing intimidating about Taehyung, so what are you freaking out for?"

"Are you kidding? You don't know, you haven't seen him in person! He's super tall and elegant and fuck, his jawline—"

"Okay okay," Hoseok waves his hands in front of his face to avoid the conversation from swerving into anything uncomfortable. "Don't get too excited, jeez."

"I can't help it!" Jimin groans frustratedly.

"Look, you're doing the exact same thing you did when you first met Yoongi and are doing it all over again with Taehyung. You're judging him without even knowing his personality. Just give him a chance before jumping to conclusions!"

"... You've met Yoongi, right?"

Hoseok pouts. "I have! You don't know him like I do, really. He's got a soft side!"

"Not for me." Jimin frowns for a moment before flinching as a sudden knocking resonates from the door.


"That must be Taehyung..." Jimin nervously announces, raising to sit in a more normal position.

"Yeah... So answer it already."

"I... I'm nervous! You answer it!"

Hoseok rolls his eyes before finally standing. "You really are a freak."

Jimin blocks out any sound from the following seconds after that.

The door opens and Hoseok grins. He says something and the boy at the door—definitely Taehyung—smiles back warmly. The brunette looks over Hoseok's shoulder and spots Jimin, waving with an excited grin plastered on his adorable face. He greets the older and suddenly Jimin can breathe again.

"Hi!" Taehyung walks over with a skip in his step. Jimin stands from his seat on Namjoon's bed, smiling back in disbelief.


"What?" Taehyung smirks, playfully pushing Jimin's shoulder before cupping his own face. "Can't believe how handsome I am in real life?"

Jimin chuckles. "Can't believe you're already annoying me."

"Hey! I just got here, what did I do to deserve this slander—" Taehyung begins with a pout, but flinches in surprise when the shorter boy suddenly hugs him.

"Sorry for waiting this long."

The younger smiles, hugging back. "No worries! It's understandable."

"But I feel silly for being so scared to meet you now that you're here..."

"I'd say to get a room, but we really don't have time for that..." A deep voice suddenly speaks from beside them, and Jimin pulls away to see Yoongi staring at them with an eyebrow raised.

"Hyung... When did you get here?"

"Me and Taehyung literally got here at the same time, idiot." The blonde rolls his eyes, pulling his black hood over his head. "Guess you just didn't notice me."

Taehyung laughs from beside Jimin, scratching the back of his neck. "We ran into each other in the hall on the way here and decided to just come together, so..."

"O-oh... Well, I'm sorry hyung! I didn't mean to—"

"Yeah, whatever."

Hoseok scoffs from behind him. "Okay, stop being petty! Jin hyung just texted that him and Namjoon are on their way back with Jungkook right now, they'll be here any minute. Chim, get the cake out of the fridge, will you?"

Jimin nods, sending Taehyung one more small smile before walking to the mini fridge located in the corner of the dorm.

"Isn't this kind of lame?" Yoongi mutters once the younger walks back with the small cake in his hands. "Couldn't we actually go out to eat instead of crowding together in his dorm to eat cake on the floor?"

"But I brought forks and plates!" Hoseok pouts. Yoongi huffs in annoyance.

"Oh sorry, my bad, that makes everything better."

"Oh c'mon hyung, lighten up! You know Jungkook, he's a little weirdo. I'm sure he'll appreciate this a lot more than us just taking him out to a restaurant. That's too boring!"

Before the older could respond, the entrance doorknob begins to shake, indicating someone was unlocking it from the other side. The four boys turn around in surprise, Hoseok moving to turn off the lights while the others move to stand in front of the door and wait for it to open in anticipation. Once it does, Namjoon flicks the light switch back on and they all shout in unison.


Jungkook looks up from his phone, clearly startled by the sudden shouting. He looks around the room to see the presence of the rest of his friends, a bright grin flashing across his face once the initial shock wears off.

"Wow, what is this?" He chuckles. "What are you guys doing here?"

"It's your birthday, dumb ass." Hoseok smirks. "You didn't think we'd really not do anything, did you?"

"Well, I just thought—"

"You thought wrong, silly!" Taehyung grins, and Jungkook gasps once he realizes who it is speaking.

"Tae!" He runs over to the older boy, trapping him in a tight hug. Taehyung laughs, hugging him back. "You came too!"

"Yeah well, Jimin invited me. You can thank him."

Jungkook pulls away, looking at Jimin. "Thanks hyung!"

Jimin smiles. "No worries, Jungkookie. He's your friend, of course I'd invite him!"

And he was really glad he did.

pen15 | vmin (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now