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Jimin smiled involuntarily as he read over his messages with Taehyung from the night before. The library book he had been pretending to be invested in was proving to be too boring to pursue any further, which somehow ended up with him logging into Instagram to pass some time. Coincidentally, his DM's were the first thing he saw, that page being the last thing he did before exiting previously.

"Shh!" The cranky girl sitting at the same table as him snapped, sending him a scowl as he laughed at his phone screen for the fourth consecutive time in a row. The brunette simply frowned, muttering a small apology before sinking further into his seat.

Jimin was so bored. No classes, dance practice cancelled... you'd think having time off would've been a good thing, considering how little of it he usually had. But the rest of his friends were busy. Hoseok didn't have dance practice either, but he had classes today, as did Seokjin and Namjoon. Jungkook... Well, Jimin really didn't know. That kid's always off somewhere doing god knows what. If only the younger had a cell phone.

Maybe Yoongi..? He thought to himself for a brief moment before quickly shaking his head, rejecting the idea as quickly as it came. At this time, Yoongi was either still up working, or finally sleeping; both events in which you do NOT want to disturb him. Jimin sighed. Guess that option's a no...

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a booming sneeze. Jimin flinched—the girl beside him groaning in annoyance at the continuous disruptions—before turning around, curious as to who had caused the ruckus. He was surprised to see none other than Jungkook walking through the wide aisle, seemingly staring in surprise at someone standing behind the bookshelf, out of Jimin's view.

"Really?" Jungkook laughed after the shock of the sound wore off. The figure behind the books sniffled in exasperation.

"Fucking hell!" An unshamefully loud, deep voice responded with a huff. "I hate being sick."

"Well why'd you come then? You could've just said no, you know."

The male walked out from his spot behind the bookshelf, coming to stand next to Jungkook. Jimin's eyes widened as a strange feeling of vague familiarity started to bubble up in his chest. The quite tall man was wearing a mask, so Jimin couldn't really see much of his face at all, actually, but there was just something about him...

"Hey Mandy..." Jimin gestured quietly to gain her attention. "Who's the guy with Jungkook?"

The girl looked up, rolling her eyes once she caught sight of the duo that she was probably internally thinking of decapitating at that moment. "You mean the dork in the striped pants?"

"Wha–dork?" He raised his brows in shock. "What's with the name calling?"

She sent the other a menacing glare before directing the scowl right back to the two boys only a few steps away. "Those two idiots come in the library every day to disrupt my study time... This is the only time of day I get to myself. Well, at least it used to be.."

The brunette gulped at the tone of her voice. "I'm sure that's not the exact reason they come here... Why not just explain the situation to them? You know Jungkook would understand, he's a good kid!"

"Don't you think I've tried? Jungkook doesn't act like his usual self when that asshole is around. What a poor influence, that bastard Kim Taehyung..."

That bastard Kim Taehyung.

That bastard Kim Taehyung...


Jimin gasped and launched up from his seat, his hands slamming into the table beneath him and his chair flinging backwards due to the impact. Before he can stop himself, his head snaps towards the two boys conversing before shakily exclaiming a little too loudly—


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