sixty one

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Taehyung turned around, his face twisted into confusion underneath his mask at the sudden call of his name. He pulled said mask down to his chin, sending the girl at the table next to them a curious glance at the sight of the mysteriously knocked over chair and opened library book, as if someone had just been sitting there before quickly exiting.

"Mandy, why are you shouting like that? This is a library, and we're right next to you!" He scoffed, causing the girl sending them deathly scowls to grumble in protest. "Yah, I know you crave my attention, but there's no need to lash out!"

"That wasn't me, dipshit." She sighed, nodding her head towards the front entrance. "Somebody noticed you were here and ran for their life. Not like that's surprising."

Taehyung frowned. "Hey, that was mean!"

"It was supposed to be."

Jungkook rubbed his chin in confusion, tilting his head as he examined the abandoned seat. "That's weird... I could've sworn I heard Jimin just now."

The older's eyes widened in surprise before turning back to Mandy. "Was Jimin sitting here?"


He furrowed his brows skeptically. "Are you sure? It really did sound like Jimin, you know?"

"Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't." She suddenly smirked deviously.

The duo rolled their eyes at the girl, Taehyung leaning down to rest his palms on the table, ready for negotiation. "What's it gonna cost 'ya?"



"You two. I want you to stay out of here during my study hall, you're so obnoxious and make my free time a living hell. Promise me that, and I'll tell you exactly what just went down here. Got it?"

Jungkook frowned in disappointment. "But... this is the only time hyung and I–"


"What? But Tae–" The younger began, but Taehyung only grinned, patting his shoulder comfortingly.

"Don't worry Kookie! We don't have to stay in the library just to hang out. We'll just find somewhere else to go." He smiled, and Jungkook hesitantly nodded in acceptance after a moment of pondering the explanation.

They smiled at one another before the older turned back to the grinning girl sitting beside them, a sigh escaping his lips as he admitted defeat. "So, what exactly just happened?"

Jimin sighed heavily as he closed the door to his dorm room, sliding down to sit on the carpeted floor. He felt justifiably exhausted after the sudden and panicked run back from the library, after seeing the guy he's been talking to/semi-flirting with (although he'd never admit it) online these past few months in person.

Maybe running away wasn't the best option but... What was he supposed to do? Walk up to him and greet the boy casually like a normal human being?

Okay, yeah, maybe that's exactly what he should've done. He couldn't help but run at that moment though. He panicked. He wouldn't have even known what to say to the other. Taehyung was so... tall and intimidating in person. Definitely completely different than what Jimin had been picturing him to be like, based simply on the boy's personality and instagram feed alone.

"Um... Can I help you?" A sudden voice called out from the bed in the corner of the room, and Jimin looked up in confusion before gasping in shock once he realized it was none other than Min Yoongi; dressed in nothing but his boxers with half of his body covered by a thick, blue blanket. The younger looked around the room, eyes widening in returning panic at the sight.

Well shit, this isn't even my room.

"I-I'm sorry, hyung! I didn't realize I entered the wrong dorm!" Jimin squeaked nervously, quickly standing to bow apologetically.

"We're in completely different halls..." Yoongi muttered nonchalantly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he sat up. "How do you mix that up?"

"I-I wasn't paying attention... I'm really sorry for disturbing you!"

The blonde haired boy shrugged indifferently. "Whatever, I wasn't really getting much sleep anyway."

An awkward silence resonated throughout the room as the two stared at each other. Yoongi raised a dubious brow as Jimin eventually began blushing, breaking the eye contact to look down at his shoes.

"So... Is something bothering you?" He eventually began, scratching the back of his ear as Jimin gasped at the prediction.

"How did you know?"

The older sighed. "Because you haven't left."

Jimin frowned, walking closer until he was sat on the edge of the mattress, facing away from his sleepy/half naked hyung out of respect. "Well I... kind of accidentally met Taehyung, I guess..."

Yoongi scoffed. "Okay... And?"

"And... I panicked and ran away before he even noticed I was there.." Jimin squeezed his eyes shut as the embarrassment settled, covering his blushing face with his palms. "God, I feel like such a freak!"

"I mean, yeah." Yoongi shrugged once more, reaching over his bedside table for his phone. "You probably should've just talked to him. He was right there, why avoid it even further?"

"I... I don't even know." The younger sighed, looking over his shoulder to see the blonde scrolling through whatever app he had opened. Probably not Instagram, thinking back to how inactive the older is. "I'm just nervous."

"Because you like him?"

"I-I don't like him!" Jimin gasped at the assumption. "I mean, I do... but not like that."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I never accused you of liking him like that. I meant as a friend."

"O-oh... Well then yeah, I guess it is because I like him. And... I want him to like me too. What if I'm not good enough in person? What if I'm a bad friend?"

"Oh please. You out of anyone should know you're not a bad friend."

The brunette blushed. "Really...?"

"Duh. Just because you're annoying doesn't mean you're a bad friend."

The small smile on the younger's face quickly vanished after that comment, his flushed face turning into a disappointed pout.


pen15 | vmin (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now