Part 1

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He was there.  Some of us got out of the small truck, and I was right behind them. Gil stepped out in the front of our group. Gil was the leader of our small group of saviors, which had been assigned The Kingdom to get supplies from.

"Daisy, Duane, I'm gonna talk to Ezekiel, start unloading the fruit from the truck," Gil said, and I walked with Duane to the Kingdom's truck silently.

Sprinting back and forth from truck to truck to transport the food, I got a good look at the King and his people. The group, unlike all the ones we'd ran into recently, looked like they were doing okay.

"Daisy, would you hurry up??" Gil said, and everyone's glance went to me. "Took us long enough to get here," Gil said, glaring at me.

One second later, me, he looked at me. Ezekiel, the King, with a softness in his eyes, looked at me. Sorry for me, he was sorry for me. Everything in my world stopped, and I tried to figure out why. And I looked back. The broken eye contact broke me back to reality, and I kept walking to the small Kingdom truck. My mind raced as I listened to the background sound of King Ezekiel and Gil speaking.

"Gil, Negan is probably waiting for us back home," I said. "I got everything," I said, not letting my eyes wander.

"Yes, King, we will see you next week, you know what we need," Gil said, and we started to load back into the truck.

Looking back at him before we left, I couldn't stop myself from glancing in his eyes again.  Ezekiel was staring at me longingly, and I stared back, but he and his people went their separate ways, and we soon rounded a corner on the dirt road.

Two hours later, we reached The Sanctuary, we reached home. Everyone was starting to unload, so I got out of the truck to help. Ezekiel ran through my mind when I was unloading. Those soft, brown eyes staring at me.  I thought about where they lived. It was better than the sanctuary, probably. He is there. It could never happen, I told myself. But the thought of being there, with him, stayed at the back of my mind.

Everyone around me suddenly went to the floor, and I soon followed, bowing my head. I saw a flash of Negan's feet, and I looked up and saw him walk into The Sanctuary. Exactly where I had to go. I followed him a few minutes after. Everything was better here, compared to my old camps, anyway. Ezekiel wasn't here, though. But with every passing minute I was trying to push him out of my mind. The corridors were empty, which kind of scared me. Usually someone was out here. I started to hear screams and grunting, so I started to run. What if it was Nick? I shared a room with Nick, we had been on the run together since the apocalypse started. Everyone, except Nick, was mean, or ignored me, mostly, at The Sanctuary.

"Daisy," I heard Nick sputter, when I finally got to the door. I opened the door quickly.

Everything stopped when I fell back onto the floor, after running into Negan's back.

"So, I'm so glad you can to enjoy the show, Daisy," Negan said, stepping aside, so I could see my friend being beaten to death with a clear point of view.

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