Yandere 1

203 1 0

I pulled my school skirt up and buttoned my shirt. After putting on my socks and shoes, I grabbed my backpack and head out of the locker room.

"Hey y/n!!" F/n called after me

We walked to our next class together.
We sat down next to each other.

"Alright class, today we will-

C/n walked into class, late.
Everyone started as he sat down in front of me. I saw him turn to the door and smile. I whipped around and saw e/n (enemy name). She gave him a smile and a wink and left.

"May I use the bathroom!!!" I raised my hand

I sprinted out the door, following e/n.
She turned right and into the girls bathroom. I hid and took out my knife, which luckily, stayed in it's hiding spot in the bush.

I held it behind my back as I entered the bathroom. She was prettying herself in the mirror. I raised my hands and struck her upper back/ neck area. I heard a scream as she immediately died. A pool of blood circled her. I ran out of school and hopped the fence.

Marking her name off the check list. ✅


No... This story wasn't​ based off of true events.... Why do you ask.... Hehehe.....

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