cigarettes and bottles

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Today was an awfully quiet day at school. No one punched me or talked behind my back. It was the weirdest feeling ever.

Classes started and you were nowhere to be seen. We have a project to work on, have you forgot? If I have to work on this alone, I might as well do it in my favourite place.

I sighed as I excused myself from the classroom. There's one place I'd like to be right now.

Students passed by me as they try to frantically find their lockers before the next class. I'm being shoved into other people, but they don't seem to care.

The door had a sign on that warned students from going through it. Nobody even used the rooftop anymore, why would someone then care?

Before I opened the door, I plugged in my earbuds and started to listen to music.

As soon as I arrived at the rooftop, I see your silhouette. You're smoking again, aren't you?

The door makes a loud bang as it closed, but you don't seem to care. You puff the smoke out through your mouth and watch it disappear.

My hand tighten around the book as I walked past you to sit down by the wall. You blew the smoke out once more. I looked at you.

"Am I gonna do this alone?" I remember myself asking you that.

"I don't care about that poject." You replied. You always sounded rather annoyed around me.

"I wasn't talking about the project." I snapped at you. To my surprise, you turned around and looked at me.

"Then what are you talking about?" As you replied that, I thought to myself 'is he really gonna have a conversation with me?'

"Just give me one of those bottles." I threw my book to the side.

"Why?" You asked again as your glance went from me to the bottles of beer by your side. 

"I'm tired of feeling." And apparently I must've looked really sad because you gave me a bottle and sat down beside me.

You blew your smoke at me as I almost downed the beer. I saw my hands shaking as I brought the bottle away from my mouth.

"I don't need your pity."

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